A student completes the challenge to dance like no one is watching
High school is not just about getting good grades and arriving to class on time. It is also about having fun with friends and creating memories that will last beyond the four years spent in classrooms.
Carlmont’s Challenge Club allows students to push themselves outside of their comfort zone as well as learn to have a good time with peers and laugh at themselves in the process.
Challenge Club was created by a group of juniors: Andrew Wach, Leah Roe, Marco Sevilla, Amber Governale, and Sabrina Cojocaru.
“Students are assigned different challenges each month to film and post for various amounts of points. At the end of the year whichever team has the most points wins,” said Wach.
Creators of the club have thoughtfully planned of a master list of challenges to keep members motivated to participate and work for the general goal of winning the “surprise prize” at the end of the year.
In the club, there are teams of three to eight people that compete in the monthly challenges such as rolling across the quad or asking a stranger to marry you.
“Each month we try to have a theme. For example, this month is Halloween for October,” stated Roe.
One of the challenges to fit this theme is “pumpkin patching.”
“Pumpkin patching is when the entire group yells ‘pumpkin patch’ and all get into a ball on the ground and watch everyone around them react weirdly,” Wach described.
The purpose of participating in these challenges is not only to be receive points but also to “have fun with friends and share a lot of laughter during the experiences,” said junior, Raine Kerhin.
“I love pushing myself out of my comfort zone and doing goofy things and this club is the perfect opportunity to do that,” stated Kerhin.
Challenge Club provides students with ways to bond with one another, be pushed out of their comfort zone, create new memories, and all work towards a common goal. This club gives students the opportunity to enjoy their high school experience from a new and jubilant perspective.