Quiz: Are you naughty or nice?

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Question 1/8
What's your go-to holiday activity?

Ice-skating rink

Holiday movie marathon

Volunteer for a good cause

Stir up family drama

Making a gingerbread house

Snowball fight
Question 2/8
How do you react when a family member gives you a gift you don't like?

Smile and thank them

Ask for the receipt

Scream at them

Enthusiastically jump for joy

Hand it to someone else

Thank them and put it aside for later
Question 3/8
You see a friend struggling to carry their shopping bags. What do you do?

Rush over to help them

Laugh at them

Take one bag and start walking away

Take a photo

Make jokes about charging a fee, but still helping them

Wave and say "Good luck with that" as you walk away
Question 4/8
You find a wallet on the ground with no ID. What do you do?

Turn it in to the nearest security desk

Take the money and keep it for yourself

Ask around in the immediate area to see if anyone lost a wallet

Keep walking, not your problem

Use the money inside to buy a gift for someone

Take it to the nearest bank and ask them if they can find the owner
Question 5/8
You're hosting a holiday party when someone knocks over an expensive vase. What do you do?

Kick them out

Smile and reassure them that accidents happen

Laugh it off as a joke

Check to see if they're okay

Hand them a broom to clean it up

Make a scene, yelling at them
Question 6/8
A friend eats the last cookie you were saving. How do you react?

Sharing is caring

Wink at them and say, "You owe me a cookie!"

Make fun of them

Offer them the recipe

Challenge them to a holiday duel

Tell them they are indebted to you
Question 7/8
You're stuck in traffic when another driver attempts to merge into your lane, even though none of the cars are moving. What do you do?

Let them merge, but roll your eyes as they go by

Roll down your window and start a conversation

Move closer to the next car, they're not getting by

Honk at them

Sigh but let them pass because it's the holidays

Wave at them and smile
Question 8/8
You find presents in your parent's closet. What do you do?

Open them all early

Take a closer look, but then think better of it

Walk away and pretend you didn't see anything

Try to guess what the gifts are by shaking them

Stay patient so you can open them later

Carefully unwrap a few to see if you got what you wanted