Emi Pajarillo, Scot Scoop Editor
Emi Pajarillo (Class of 2026) is a junior at Carlmont High School, and this is her second year at Carlmont Journalism. In her free time, she enjoys playing viola, working in the tech crew for Carlmont Theatre productions, and hanging out with friends.
All content by Emi Pajarillo
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Students grapple with the financial implications of higher education and its decreasing value among younger generations.
In light of post-pandemic tuition increases, students must choose between pursuing...
In the quiet corridors of a hospital, among rooms bathed with fluorescent light and air filled with the aroma of antiseptic, lies a controversy that has survived since the origins of medicine.
With the rise and development of artificial intelligence (AI), companies are integrating new technologies into the workplace --- and, consequently, facing worker backlash and ethical controversies.
Facing escalating financial pressures, customers across California struggle with Pacific Gas and Electricity’s (PG&E) increased utility rates in the new year.
As of Jan. 1, PG&E is increasing...
Light and airy, the flute section begins to play new melodies. Students get different parts in a piece creating harmonies and contrast, and even room for the piccolo.
With a flick of her wrist, Jordan Webster gestures for the band to begin. Excitement fills the room as students get to start new pieces this semester.
Following their loss against the Lowell Cardinals in the first game of the Lincoln High School tournament, Carlmont’s varsity girls basketball team dunked on the Balboa Buccaneers in a striking 54-7...
After wins across the board, Carlmont's girls varsity flag football team ended their inaugural season undefeated. Behind their story stands the indomitable force, Coach Oscar Fabic — a crucial figure...
Jessica Li, who plays the role of Puck, performs a scene from A Midsummer Night's Dream. Later in the show, Jessica Li delivers the final line.
Carlmont’s girls varsity flag football crushed rivaling Sequoia Ravens on Wednesday, adding to their season-long win streak with a shutout of 32-0.
Within the first few minutes of the game, the Scots...
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