With a collapsible table and a large sign pushed off to the side of the quad near the student store, on Oct. 3 during lunch, Carlmont’s Associated Body began selling tickets for the Homecoming dance. The only thing missing were customers.
Very few people bought Homecoming tickets, which are $10 with a PAL and $15 without, on their first day of sales, despite the fact that many students were looking forward to this year’s dance.
“Homecoming is very fun at Carlmont. Everyone celebrates and shows a lot of school spirit. This year, the dance in going to be on Saturday, Oct. 20, in the gym. There is a lot of excitement about it because there is a possibility of a live performing group,” said ASB member Syna Zali-Raisi.
There are rumors floating around school that the band that may be performing at the Homecoming dance is none other than Starting Six, an up-and-coming group from the East Bay. Starting Six would definitely make Homecoming a lot more exciting for much of the student body.
Sophomore Erica Aldanese stated, “I am definitely going to Homecoming. It will be really exciting because I love Starting Six’s music.”
The lack of a line to buy Homecoming tickets was surprising, but was most likely due to students choosing to wait to buy their tickets at a later time. Although only a few tickets were sold, many students have still shown interest in going to Homecoming.
Freshman Emily Crusick said, “I am planning on going to the dance. I’ve heard that it’s fun. Also, there is supposed to be really good music there.”