The student news site of Carlmont High School in Belmont, California.

Daniella Smit

She crosses her fingers behind her back, excusing her from the “truth.”

Why lie?

The psychology behind bending the truth

Lying is everywhere. Everyone does it, and that’s the truth. 

When it comes down to it, people all have the same intent when they lie: to benefit themselves. They hope their lies will produce the desired outcome and ease their state of mind. Whether it’s a tiny white lie, a psychotic lie, or a lie for creative purposes, there’s usually reasoning behind it. 

Lying heavily affects our perception of life and the people in it. 

And this may or may not be a bad thing.

Childhood lying

She walked into the classroom, went up to her teacher, and said her sister got attacked by an animal. Although this rarity has the potential to be accurate, it wasn’t.  This is an example of stories that many elementary school teachers hear.  Lies like these are common among young children. It won’t necessarily be about someone getting chased by an animal, but it will be along similar c...

Lying in teenagers

Like everyone else, teenagers lie. However, according to a study called “From Junior to Senior Pinocchio,” teenagers are likelier to lie. Any lie will be told to keep them out of trouble. The stereotype of teen years being a “rebellious phase” is true. This is where the waters get tested.  Adolescents lie for many different reasons. Some will say it’s to have freedom, hide from their ...

A deeper look

Each of our brains functions differently. They have different mechanics on what they do or don’t do when it comes down to lying.  “Most people are fairly good liars. But what we see is that people who can think quickly on their feet, maintain kind of control over their facial expressions and so forth,” Hart said. “People who seem confident tend to be more believable as well.”  Everyone...

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