Listen as we explore the controversy of vaccinations. From the science behind them to the growing anti-vaccine movement, this episode will cover everything you need to know about the concept of vaccines, all while keeping you entertained with some personal anecdotes and intriguing “Florida Man” headlines.
Educated Guesses Episode Three: “Vaccines don’t cause autism, but they do cause dissension”
About the Contributors

Molly Donaldson, Staff Writer
Molly Donaldson is a senior at Carlmont High School. She is a part of the Carlmont improv team, ASB, varsity lacrosse, and is an editor for Carlmont's print publication, the Highlander. To check out her portfolio, click here.
Twitter: @mcdonaldsons

Emma Romanowsky, Highlander Editor-in-Chief
Emma Romanowsky is a senior at Carlmont High School. This is her third year of being on the journalism staff and she is the Editor-in-Chief of Highlander newsmagazine. She loves using journalism to spark conversation about controversial subjects. To check out her portfolio, click here.
Twitter: @ERomanowsky