This year’s homecoming is a special one. The theme is “Haunted Halloween!” and the dance’s theme is “Monster Mash.” There are quite a few events throughout homecoming week, ranging from the Powderpuff games to the homecoming dance itself.
Powder Puff
Powderpuff is a series of flag football games between four teams, one from each grade and coordinated by the class presidents, and is known to promote class unity. Traditionally, the players are girls, and the cheerleaders are guys. There will be four games, sophomores vs. seniors on Monday during lunch, juniors vs. freshmen on Tuesday during lunch. The consolation game will be held on Thursday at 6:30 p.m. and the championship game on Thursday at 7:15 p.m.
“Powderpuff is mainly to get the girls involved in something during homecoming week that is really fun. It gets them to do something during the first few days of lunch, and then on Thursday there are the finals after school,” said senior Ariana Goldenshteyn, the ASB Lunch Activities Commission facilitator.
Homecoming assembly
The homecoming assembly occurs during first period on Wednesday during homecoming week. It typically features performances from the dance teams and cheerleading squads, as well as the pep band and ASB. Robotics has been known to display their work during the assembly as well. This year, the assembly will be on the field, and it will be more exciting than any other year according to senior Jono Sison, the president of the Associated Student Body.
“Just expect something great,” Sison said.
In It to Win It games
The In It to Win It games will be held on Wednesday evening, Oct. 27, this year. They are a series of games between each class and promote class unity and spirit.
“[Everyone] groups up as a class and they compete against each other in games, whether that be dodgeball, Capture the Flag, hide and seek, or other games. These games take place at night at school, so it’s a really fun environment. The competition allows the classes to come together and work towards a certain goal. People are having fun because, well, who doesn’t like playing dodgeball? They’re also getting closer with their class, and that’s something that we really want to emphasize this year within ASB,” Sison said.
Lunch parade
The lunch parade is a rally where members of ASB put on Scots gear and build excitement and school spirit during lunch.
“It’s separate from the homecoming parade. It’s just like a moment in which everyone in ASB and some clubs are dressed up in Scots gear and showing their school spirit. They run through the school just yelling, screaming, ‘Go Scots!’ If you really look at it, both of the parades raise school spirit,” Sison said.
Homecoming game

The homecoming football game is at the end of the week at 7 p.m. The homecoming parade and court announcements happen during halftime, as well as performances from the cheerleading squad and dance teams. The pep band plays music throughout the game as well. The game will be on Oct. 29 this year. Throughout the day, there will be a face painting station in the quad for students to show their school spirit for the game.
“The game really embodies school spirit because we’re all rooting for Carlmont, no matter what class we are. We all relate to the same thing, have the same energy, and have the same passion. It’s a fun experience,” Sison said.
Homecoming parade
Each class will make a float to present in the homecoming parade during the football game. The parade takes place during the halftime of the football game.
“The class parades are opportunities where each class can create a float decoration, and they march together on the field and express themselves. They are a unique way to bond with one another because they’re making the float themselves,” Sison said.
Homecoming dance

This year’s homecoming dance will be on Oct. 30, in the quad, compared to most years where it is in the gym. It is always a fun conclusion to the excitement of homecoming week. Tickets are $35 without a PAL sticker after Oct. 19 and will be sold until the Friday before the dance.
According to Sison, students are encouraged to wear their Halloween costumes to the dance. If students want to invite their friends outside of Carlmont, they have to fill out a guest pass due by Oct. 26 and are required to purchase a guest ticket.
“There’s just been a couple of changes because it’s COVID-19 time and we do want to make sure that everybody is safe and is comfortable. This is why we’re having the dance outside, and masks are highly encouraged for all the participants,” said senior Katelyn Nightengale, the Dance Commission facilitator.
Homecoming court
The 24 homecoming court nominations have already happened, but the final court announcement will occur during homecoming week. According to Amelia Clevenger, a junior and a member of the Dance Commission, ASB sent out a Google form for students to nominate people they wanted to see on the court. ASB looked through the responses to select the top six from each grade to be nominated.
“We wanted to do nominations because that’s always a fun thing for homecoming, and it’s been a tradition in past years. We took the top nominees, and we contacted them. We asked, ‘hey, are you interested in doing this,’ and we had them sign a contract. The contracts basically said, ‘I will participate in the homecoming activities, I will be in good academic standing,’ to make sure it’s not a popularity contest and they get involved in the homecoming spirit. We’re hoping to announce the official winner during homecoming week,” Clevenger said.
Spirit days
Homecoming week is also a spirit week, with different themes for each day. This year’s themes are country vs. country club, PJ day, angels vs. devils (wearing red or white), jerseys, and Scots gear.
“We came up with ideas to go with the Halloween theme, and we wanted to make it something easy. So we were thinking of fall ideas like flannels, so that’s why we chose country vs. Country Club, and the angel vs. devils is definitely a Halloween theme,” Goldenshteyn said.
ASB members are very excited about homecoming week. Although it has been a while since they planned one, they all have high hopes for this year.
“I have such an amazing commission this year, they’re so organized and they work so hard and care so much. They’re so excited for it, so I know that I can rely on them and that helps a lot. Overall, I’m excited that we can bring this back to Carlmont and bring it to all the students and for the new generations to enjoy,” said Nightengale.