Carlmont girls softball ran the Terra Nova Tigers off their home field, not letting Terra Nova score a point against them.
Junior Rebecca Faulkner pitched a great seven strikeouts before being replaced by sophomore Mariko Kondo. Carlmont forced the Tigers pitcher out in the fifth inning after keeping them scoreless throughout the game.
Carlmont easily ran through home plate four times in the first inning and two more in the second, one scored with two outs and one scored with a walk. They lit up the field, run after run, making it harder for Terra Nova to catch up.
The Lady Scots scored another four runs in the fourth inning and ended the game with a 10-0 domination.
Player of the game, junior Danielle Giuliacci, took over with three hits and four RBIs.
“It feels really good to get the win. For the rest of the season we really have to focus on winning CCS because we have always gotten second place,” said Giuliacci.
Juniors Gabriella Pons and Rebecca Faulkner each had two hits, and junior Christy Peterson and sophomore Kirra Loucks both ended the game with two RBIs.
The Lady Scots now have a record of 11-1 in regular season, ranking them 38th in the state.
Carlmont’s will face Half Moon Bay High School on Tuesday, who have a 6-3 record. The Lady Scots are hoping for an easy win and an advancement to get even closer to the doors of CCS.