A weathered pipe broke suddenly in the Carlmont sewer line, causing a water overflow on Aug. 13. According to Grant Steunenberg, an Administrative Vice Principal...
At every football game, homecoming assembly, heritage fair, music festival, and some lunch activities, Carlmont Drumline is there to put on a show. These shows come with lots of preparation and coordination. In the weeks leading up to a...
As parents and audience members filed into the studio theater on Thursday, May 23, thespians backstage prepared for their last performance of the year. As a showcase of what the Advanced Drama class was working on every day, the show was able...
Carlmont hosted its annual Scotsland celebration featuring llamas, games, and business events. Scotsland is an annual celebration of school spirit that dates back to May of 2018. In these celebrations, students get to unwind, celebrate their...
With the initiative to tackle food waste and foster a community spirit, Carlmont has recently introduced share bins in the student union cafeteria. These bins, strategically placed next to the lunch line, are designated spots where students...
Carlmont High School hosted its annual Scotsland event on Friday, May 17. Students from many programs and clubs helped set up the event that took place in the quad. Scotsland featured booths from the Associated Student Body (ASB), several...