Net neutrality has been repealed, and everyone is freaking out.
But people need to calm down.
Net neutrality is “the principle that internet service providers should enable access to all content and applications regardless of the source and without favoring or blocking particular products or websites,” according to Oxford Dictionaries.
The repeal of net neutrality gives the government full control over everything we do online. As of now, it means that citizens could have to pay for any social media or online website they use. This will bring these specific companies loads of money if people agree to pay the new rates.
However, if corporations take advantage of the situation and raise everyone’s rates, there are very few people that will have enough money to pay for all of the websites and apps we use on a daily basis.
Many schools and students rely on the internet for studying and research, and without net neutrality, those schools will not be able to pay the costs to educate their students.
It is not fair for the government to take away access to education to make more money for the few corporations that benefit from the repeal of net neutrality.
For this reason and many others, people across the nation are still trying to save net neutrality.
There are hundreds of petitions going around with numbers to text and call.
The New York Times said, “Several public interest groups, including Public Knowledge and the National Hispanic Media Coalition, promised to file a suit. The Internet Association, the trade group that represents big tech firms such as Google and Facebook, said it also was considering legal action.”
However, people may not need to worry as much as they are.
Former President Barack Obama has begun taking legal action to get net neutrality back for our safety.
Netflix, along with Google and other corporations, is getting ready to fight back with everything they have. Although many worry that they will have to pay extra for sites such as Netflix, the legal actions taken by these companies show that they support net neutrality just as much as the rest of us.
We are not alone in fighting for this.
People are overreacting and are expecting the worst possible outcome, but together we can fight and win net neutrality.