Many students face the difficulty of being compared to their sibling or siblings, especially if they attend or have previously attended the same high school.
Knowing from experience, it is many people’s automatic reaction to make a connection between you and your sibling when they find out you are related. Whether it is in the area of academics, sports, or just plain social status, they will mentally, if not verbally, single out your differences.
The key is to never let that bother you. Whether they are younger or older, stronger or weaker, smarter or not as smart, everybody is different even if they are in the same family. Do not let your sibling’s shadow determine who you are in other people’s eyes.
In the long run, you will be much happier by creating yourself from scratch.
It is inevitable for people to compare you to your sibling, but it is even better when they can clearly identify your unique qualities. Create your own legacy.
How to Survive High School Day 21: Step out of your sibling’s shadow
About the Contributor

Claudia Leist, Highlander Editor
Claudia is a senior who aspires to be a communications representative for a sports team or company in her future. She enjoys learning about world issues and she loves to play basketball and dance.