It was a battle. And the junior varsity (JV) Lady Scots won the fight. JV volleyball took home a win against the Woodside Wildcats on Thursday, Oct. 16, and added to their undefeated streak.
So far this season, the Scots are 9-0. The game started with a set that initially appeared as though it would be an easy win for Carlmont.
The game took a turn for intensity as Woodside bounced back, and the teams battled neck and neck on the scoreboard and at the net.
Woodside was able to stagger the score with a four point lead. Momentarily, the Scots recovered before the Wildcats slammed home the first set, winning 25-20.
“This was the first set they’ve lost [all season],” said parent Walid Khalife after the game.
In response, the Lady Scots were not deterred. Carlmont avenged the loss by gaining an immediate lead in the second set, which they continued to increase until they dominated 25-9. Their win guaranteed a good fight in a final third set.
The Wildcats hit the ground running in the third set, racking up seven points against Carlmont’s zero. Stammering to recover the serve, the Scots wavered at first, then pulled through to tie up the short 15 point set.
Coming into the game point, Carlmont was serving on a 14-13 scoreboard. The Lady Scots took the win when the Wildcats returned the serve out of bounds.
Players from the Wildcats were not enthusiastic about the turn out of the game. “We could’ve done better. Our energy was low and we were missing three of our starters,” said Anika and Jasmine, players from the JV Woodside team.
The Wildcats’ effort was not lost on anyone, especially the Scots they were facing.
“I would give them a [round of applause],” said sophomore Ashley Maxwell. “I thought they fought very well.”
In the end, it was a team effort that secured the win for the Scots. Countless volleys across the net meant that each player was constantly on their toes. With each sideout, Carlmont became more determined to fight together to win.
“When we make mistakes, we don’t put each other down, we bring each other back up with encouragement,” said Maxwell. “We do team bonding. Just last week we went ice skating at the sharks stadium and all ate pizza together.”
With Thursday’s win, the Scots will bring their undefeated title to face off with Saratoga on Friday, Oct. 17 and South San Francisco on Tuesday, Oct. 20.

Outside Hitter Anya Meredith plays key role in fighting off the Wildcats net-game.