Everyone knows who watches chick flicks and everyone knows who watches action/horror movies.
What it is about the different genres that makes the different genders tick?
Is it the gruesome everyone-gets-their-head-cut-off quality that entices males? Or is it the intense fight scenes that get them on the edge of their seat?
And for females, is the classic love story that plays with heart strings simply irresistible?
“In action movies, you don’t have to pay attention to the details and the graphics are usually better,” admitted junior Curtis Fan, “Most times the actresses aren’t even appealing in the chick flicks..” “You can’t enjoy a movie if the visuals aren’t even good,” Fan added.
Junior Joe McGill agreed with the importance of good visuals. “Action movies have explosions. Those are the best to watch.”
While many males said they enjoyed the intense action-packed killing scenes and explosion, many females disagreed.
“I don’t like seeing people getting killed. It’s not my thing,” said junior Alexa Lopez.
Junior Tricia Barrett agreed with Lopez, “I don’t really like watching murders and plots that are so unrealistic…I prefer a nice, sappy romantic comedy.”
However, not everyone enjoys the “sappy” qualities associated with romance movies.
“Chick flicks make girls cry and I normally don’t even see what’s sad…I guess some people are just over dramatic about them,” said junior Marcus Fukuhara. The problem many found with chick flicks and romance movies is the similar plot line.
“I’d rather see action than sit and watch a two hour movie about the same old stuff, like a sad story about a girl and boy and they chase each other and they finally get each other, especially since it isn’t what it’s like in real life,” added Fukuhara.
Fan seconded that commented saying, “They’re all the same.”
McGill agreed with Fan and Fukuhara, brushing off the originality of romantic comedies. “It’s always the same old thing.” Although our female audience agrees that the story lines for romantic comedies may be similar, they disagree that this is a problem.
“Yeah, they kinda all have the same plot, but they show different ways that the characters fall in love. I like the story lines. It’s cute,” Lopez said.
However, the “cute” nature of these romantic comedies are exactly what turns some viewers off.
“It’s squishy-squashy!” McGill exclaimed with disgust.
Another male, junior Chris Jung, agrees with the dislike of chick flicks.
“I try to avoid them [chick flicks]. I don’t want to waste $12 on watching something over dramatic and predictable,” said Jung. Jung enjoys a different genre apart from action and romance, he likes disease movies because “they’re interesting and well thought out.”
Junior Rachel Cissna is another lover of a unique movie genre, black and white films. “I love the simplicity and culture of black and whites.”
Cissna is also an exception to the common stereotype of females enjoying romantic movies. “I absolutely despise romantic comedies. They are predictable and irritating.”
She prefers horror movies. “Horrors are the only ones that can keep my attention. Psycho by Alfred Hitchcock is my favorite, because it is the birth of all horror films and is genius to its core.”
Lauren Reiley is a lover of both genres. “I love both romantic and horror movies. Romantic movies are good when you need to have that feeling of love, and scary movies when I need a good thrill.”
Movies, no matter what the genre, are a big source of entertainment today and will continue to be for years to come.