Quiz: Which state should you live in?
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QuizzesQuiz: Which sport are you?
QuizzesQuiz: Which Disney Channel show should you watch?
QuizzesQuiz: Which 'Glee' character are you?
QuizzesWhich Coachella performance should you see?
QuizzesQuiz: Which 'Bridgerton' character are you?
QuizzesWhich 'Looney Tunes' character are you?
QuizzesQuiz: What dragon from 'How to Train Your Dragon' would you train?
QuizzesQuiz: Which Baskin-Robbins ice cream flavor are you?
QuizzesWhich Netflix show should you watch next?
QuizzesQuiz: What spring activity should you participate in?
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About the Contributor

Yebom Yang, Staff Writer
Yebom Yang is a sophomore at Carlmont High School in her first year in the journalism program. She stays involved on campus through clubs like Interact and Self Defense, and sports like cross country and track.