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The student news site of Carlmont High School in Belmont, California.

Scot Scoop News

The student news site of Carlmont High School in Belmont, California.

Scot Scoop News

The student news site of Carlmont High School in Belmont, California.

Scot Scoop News

Kai Yoshida

Kai Yoshida, Staff Writer

Kai Yoshida is currently a senior at Carlmont, and it is his third year of journalism. Yoshida is an avid soccer player and has been part of Carlmont’s soccer team since freshman year. He also loves the outdoors and is enthusiastic about preserving it.

All content by Kai Yoshida
In the face of climate change and world hunger, edible insects are rising in popularity.

Crickets a la carte

Kai Yoshida and Ethan Man May 28, 2022

Intro Vegetarianism, veganism, pescetarianism; how about entomophagy? Instead of subtracting from your diet, what if you could add? It's a decision that could start a swarm of positive change for yourself,...

Vibrant Christmas decorations light up Eucalyptus street at night.

Opinion: Christmas decorations can bring sizable costs

Kai Yoshida, Staff Writer December 12, 2021

One of the shining stars of the holiday season is the Christmas lights. From lighting up Christmas trees to dangling hundreds of twinkling lights along every roof, holiday decorations make the season much...

The personal printer market faces stagnation due to rapidly changing demands.

Printing: the industry that’s running dry

Kai Yoshida and Ethan Man December 6, 2021

There is a problem many people don't even bat an eye at. It's an everyday item that is a thorn in people's sides. Printers. "I feel safe in saying all printers malfunction," Chris Lu, a librarian...

There are many problems within America's history curriculum. Textbooks are the front and center.

Opinion: History textbooks birth American exceptionalism

Kai Yoshida, Staff Writer November 11, 2021

School boards across the country are in an uproar over critical race theory, and Carlmont has introduced an Ethnic Studies class to the freshman curriculum. These recent events reminded me of the issues...

Reforming the public transportation system has potential benefit all. This can be possible with growth through increased funding.

Opinion: America’s public transportation system still has hope

Kai Yoshida, Staff Writer October 19, 2021

America used to be a world leader in public transit systems. Now, in a country ruled by cars, these systems have fallen from grace. In the Bay Area, we have three main modes of public transit: Bart,...

Despite their shortcomings, hydrogen cars are important for a greener earth.

Opinion: Hydrogen is the future of zero emission vehicles

Kai Yoshida, Staff Writer September 28, 2021

Hydrogen was once touted as the replacement for oil. George W. Bush announced a $1.2 billion fuel initiative to advance hydrogen technology and infrastructure in 2003. Former California Governor Jerry...

With an estimated 129 billion masks used globally every month, they have become a major source of pollution. Despite this, it is a disaster sorely overlooked.

Opinion: Masks are an environmental disaster waiting to happen

Kai Yoshida, Staff Writer September 7, 2021

In a world with a raging pandemic and constant natural disasters, mask mandates are put in place to keep us happy and healthy. Despite this, we overlook one of the most significant issues masks cause....

School lunches in America are infamous for their low quality and poor taste.

Opinion: School lunch needs to play ketchup

Kai Yoshida, Staff Writer May 10, 2021

For over a year, Carlmont has operated in distance learning, and many sorely miss friends, teachers, and school in general. But something that isn't missed is the lunches. "I only eat school lunch currently...

Distance learning has no commute giving students and teachers more time to sleep.

The impact of school commutes

Kai Yoshida, Staff Writer April 13, 2021

One of the biggest advantages of distance learning is the extra time allotted for sleeping in from the disappearance of a commute.  Before the COVID-19 pandemic, the average school commute in America...

In recent years, field trips have been in decline. However, there are many benefits that students can gain by going on them.

Field trips can benefit students

Kai Yoshida, Staff Writer March 15, 2021

What was the most memorable thing from elementary school? Many probably thought of Outdoor Ed or some other field trip. Memories about 4th-grade math are most likely much vaguer. "Years ago, when...

Interactive whiteboards began gaining popularity in the late 1990s. One of the leading companies was SMART Technologies, which created the SMART Board.

How interactive whiteboards took over

Kai Yoshida, Staff Writer February 17, 2021

From blackboards in the 1800s to whiteboards in the 1960s, technological advancements enabled the creation of interactive whiteboards in the 1990s. Xerox PARC invented the first interactive whiteboard...

The S-wing is Carlmont's newest building. It has spacious classrooms and lets in lots of sunlight.

Campus atmosphere affects students

Kai Yoshida, Staff Writer January 23, 2021

Course selection and student and teacher demographics make up some of a school’s defining characteristics. However, when looking at their student academic performance, many often overlook the importance...

Spicy foods can simultaneously improve health and add an extra kick to a dish.

Some like it hot

Kai Yoshida, Staff Writer December 31, 2020

A rush of adrenaline. A sense of accomplishment. A lowered risk of premature death. And on top of that, an extra dimension to a dish. What can possibly have all of these effects?  The answer is spicy...

The Santa Rosa Glass Fire burned over 1,517 buildings and was active for 23 days. The cause of the fire is still under investigation.


As we delve deeper into a state of climate disaster, the best way to see the ramifications is simple - just look around. Our Earth is struggling, and it’s evident in everything from the...

Humans are the cause of the planet’s environmental changes. The ones most heavily paying for their mistakes are the other creatures that live on it.

Droughts, wildfires, and pollution: California’s hellscape

Kai Yoshida, Staff Writer October 21, 2020

Global warming: gas emissions trap heat in the atmosphere and the polar ice caps. That statement is too vague. Global warming is but a part of the much, much more significant problem.  Environmental...

Lake Tahoe and the Sierra Nevada are excellent for recreation but also essential for California's water supply. Unfortunately, climate change is causing severe effects on the mountains.

Opinion: Climate change approaches faster than we think

Kai Yoshida, Staff Writer May 3, 2020

To most of us, climate change seems like something distant, something intangible, affecting parts of the world that don't quite matter in our daily lives. As the polar bears lose the ice they call...

Left: U.S. border patrol stops a large group of immigrants who were allegedly crossing the border illegally. Right: President Ford carries a South Vietnamese orphan during Operation Babylift in 1975.

Refugees: A test of humanity

Kai Yoshida, Staff Writer April 14, 2020

Diving to the floor, tucking into a tight ball, and squeezing her eyes shut, the trembling stopped. Peering out the window, she saw the thick black clouds rise towards the heavens. The restaurant with...

Messi or Ronaldo: who is better? The most discussed question in the football community will be put to the test.

Opinion: The greatest footballer of all time

Kai Yoshida, Staff Writer April 12, 2020

With school canceled, there is plenty of time to tackle one of the most debated topics in the world of football. Not American football, but the sport played with the foot. Who is the GOAT (greatest of...

Many students fail to take drills seriously due to their repetitiveness.

Opinion: Drills aren’t a waste of time

Kai Yoshida, Staff Writer March 14, 2020

The loudspeaker announces a duck-and-cover drill. Students giggle and roll their eyes as they reluctantly crawl under their desks. A few choose to continue working and ignore the announcement, refusing...

When students make an effort to connect with their teachers, it helps improve the class environment.

Opinion: Students need to connect with teachers

Kai Yoshida, Staff Writer February 15, 2020

Over 2,000 students are enrolled in Carlmont, putting it in the top 5% of the largest public high schools in California. Due to its size, Carlmont suffers in its student-staff ratio, 22-1, which is far...

Carlmont's counselors are always ready to help, whether the problem is simply a schedule fix or as big as an emotional crisis.

Counselors support students through tough times

Kai Yoshida, Staff Writer January 26, 2020

When the final bell rings, the busiest time of day starts for a high school student. They need to read Shakespeare, complete a math worksheet, start a history project, finish a chemistry lab, and go to...

Carlmont's BTI program gives students a step up in their futures with specialized classes, a close-knit community, and internship opportunities.

BTI students find paths for their future

Kai Yoshida and Jack Hansen December 5, 2019

Carlmont constructed a $6.7 million lab building in 2011. The goal? To introduce possibilities for students. Since 2002, Carlmont has been offering biotechnology courses. However, in 2015, the school...

Two students and a mentor work on the robot's  autonomous capabilities.

Deep Blue inspires students to create in STEM

Jack Hansen and Kai Yoshida November 6, 2019

Many students imagine robotics as a group of computer geeks living in a lab year-round.  In reality, this is not the case. Members do not need to be STEM experts nor devote all their free time to the...

Jordan English does her history homework in the Academic Center.

Academic Center offers support for students

Jack Hansen and Kai Yoshida September 27, 2019

A little-known resource for Carlmont students lies in the upper A hall, providing students with opportunities to catch up on homework and study for tests. The Academic Center, formerly known as the...

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