Emily Krayn, a freshman, played Rebecca Gibbs, Dakota Bobadilla, a freshman, played George Gibbs, Salma Sebt, a junior, played Emily Webb, Peter Woolworth, a junior, played Mr Webb, and Jasmine Zang, a...
Salma Sebt, a junior, Elysia Wright, a junior, Amanda Masini, a junior, and Oliver Golden, a junior, from the cast of "Space," written and directed by Megan Wadleigh, a senior, stand for a bow at the end...
Hanalei Pham, Scot Scoop Editor
• February 9, 2016
During a game of "Full Disclosure," Alice Beineke (senior Giorgi Trembley) drank from a cup spiked with acrimonium, causing her to spill all her secrets and frustrations about her marriage.