Some people know that teachers are supposed to look professional at work, but it shouldn’t be necessary for teachers to have to dress up every single day.
Usually Fridays are the day that people tend to be more casual. Around campus students can see that teachers dress more casual on Fridays and if you go into the office you can see the vice principals wearing jeans instead of the slacks that they usually wear.
Sophomore Cheyenne Torres said, “I think teachers should have the option to dress both ways because they should be able to show how committed they are and how professional they look but then again it is school and you are teacher for up to seven hours a day.”
People want to be comfortable at work because they work for so many hours each day.
Some people think that if teachers dress nicer they will earn more respect. That may be correct in some cases, but in the end teachers will be respected by how they act and present themselves, not because of what they wear.
Sophomore Andrew Carlsen said, “I think that it is a good idea if teachers dress nicer than their students because if they dress too casual then they could lose some respect.”
Yes, a teacher could lose some respect if they wear something inappropriate and something that goes against the dress code. People tend to follow what others say if they look more professional because they would look like they know what they are talking about. Other than that respect is earned by actions and behavior.
Torres said, “I don’t feel like teachers should be obligated to dress super nice everyday, but looking professional really shows people they take their job seriously.”
Some people may think that the teachers should dress a certain way to show an example of how students should dress, but that is not a good reason at all. Students should be able to wear whatever they want as long as it follows the dress code.
Senior Arian Tabarroj said, “Teachers shouldn’t dress a way to show how students should dress. Students have their own style to represent themselves and teachers should show they take their job seriously by at least looking somewhat nice.”
Teachers should look professional at their job but maintaining their appearance every single day can be hard and work clothes are not always the most comfortable thing to wear. Teachers should be able to wear more casual clothes to work some days and not be seen as unprofessional.
English teacher Susan Gold said, “I think school is a very casual place for some students, but some students do really like to dress up. The dress code is what’s important and teachers should be modeling that at the very least. Teachers know that how they present themselves also reflects on how their students see them and that’s important.”
Teachers should dress professionally for multiple reasons but it’s okay if every once in a while their attire is a little more casual.