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Book recommendations for winter

Clementine Cunningham
A good cozy book is essential for the winter ambiance.

From the cloudy grey sky to the warmth of a knit blanket, a good book is essential for the winter ambiance. Here are four book recommendations for the winter season.

“The Sittaford Mystery” by Agatha Christie

If you’re looking for a suspenseful murder mystery, “The Sittaford Mystery” is perfect for you. It is written by Agatha Christie, who is known for her other popular novels, such as “Murder on the Orient Express” and “Death on the Nile,” which have since been adapted into movies. The characters must trek through piles of snow in order to investigate the murder of a resident in a remote neighborhood. “The Sittaford Mystery” is told through multiple perspectives, but mainly follows the work of detectives who are trying to solve the mystery. It blends elements of riddles and supernatural events, which makes it a perfectly well-rounded mystery novel. The book is exciting from the first page and leaves readers on the edge of their seats wondering “whodunnit.”

“Native Son” by Richard Wright

This next book also takes place in a winter setting but touches on more serious topics that apply to American society. “Native Son” was published in 1940 by Richard Wright and follows the story of Bigger Thomas. Bigger lives in a poor area of Chigaco in the 1930s. He battles developing ideas of Communism and racial equality while working as a driver for a wealthy family. When Bigger accidentally kills Mary Dalton, who is part of his employer’s family, his life gets even more complicated. Native Son explores topics that arise between black youth and white communities. The book also dives into the effects of a flawed main character and makes readers wonder if a character is born flawed, or if their faults occur due to the pressure of society. Native Son’s plot and symbolism are more profound compared to other books on this list, and there are many trigger warnings that some may find disturbing. However, the intensity is what impacts the readers so heavily, making this novel essential to exploring progressive ideas about race and what it means to be black in the justice system. 

“The Inheritance Games” by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

If you’re looking for a lighter read that involves mystery and romance, you might want to check out “The Inheritance Games” by Jennifer Lynn Barnes. “The Inheritance Games” follows seventeen-year-old Avery Grambs, who suddenly inherits money from an unrelated family in Texas. She joins four brothers, Nash, Grayson, Jameson, and Xander Hawthorne in their family mansion as she inherits their property. Avery battles private school drama, family rivalry, and mystery. She must problem-solve through the sudden financial responsibilities that she inherits while also navigating the troubles of a love triangle. This book comes in a series of four, with a fifth book being released this August. The series is popular amongst teens and is highly recommended on Instagram and TikTok. “The Inheritance Games” proves to be entertaining and suspenseful, making it the perfect read for relaxing at home.

“Little Women” by Louisa May Alcott

The last winter book recommendation is a classic novel published in 1868: “Little Women.” “Little Women” is seen as a progressive feminist book, which dives into the stories of four sisters, Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy. The novel, written by Louisa May Alcott, shows the sisters growing up from young ages to adulthood and how they battle the challenges along the way. The sisters must grow through career troubles, romance, and grief while discovering what they truly want out of life. Some readers might forget that this book was considered progressive for its time, but this was a major breakthrough for women everywhere. The female characters have dimensional personalities and ambitions that don’t revolve around being a housewife, which was the stereotypical role for women at the time. Although “Little Women” shows multiple years of the girls’ lives, some of the most iconic moments are set in the winter snow, which makes this the perfect read for the cold season. It’s filled with joy, hardships, and a powerful nostalgia that sets “Little Women” apart from other books. While it was published many decades ago, Little Women’s morals and characters are still relatable and relevant today.

*This is a series by Avery Wong, Clementine Cunningham, and Annabel Chia. Read about summer and fall recommendations here.  

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About the Contributors
Avery Wong
Avery Wong, Staff Writer
Avery Wong is a senior at Carlmont High School. She enjoys creative work and helping others tell their stories. She strives to raise awareness about worldwide events, as well as community ones.
Clementine Cunningham
Clementine Cunningham, Highlander Managing Editor
Clementine Cunningham (class of 2024) is a student at Carlmont High School, a staff writer for Scot Scoop, and a managing editor for The Highlander. She is passionate about covering a variety of topics that bring awareness to pressing issues in our ever-changing society. In her free time, you can find her dancing at Heartbeat Dance studio, obsessing over books, or testing out a new recipe. To view her portfolio, click here. Twitter: @clecunningham

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