Throughout Carlmont, many people have been taught that the two hardest classes in the school are AP Biology and AP U.S. History.
Although these classes are extremely difficult for most students, many students believe that these two classes are among a group of extremely challenging classes, but it would be unfair so say that they are the two hardest classes.
Junior Stefan Dismond said, “I think that people commonly confuse things that are time consuming and things that are hard.”
Some classes are more time consuming and require the students to complete a lot of homework, where others require for the students to complete less homework as long as the students understand the concepts.
Many students think that it is hard to rank the classes in difficulty, since the difficulty varies between every student. Students have strengths and weaknesses, so one subject may be more difficult than another, even if it is considered easier.
Dismond later said, “I didn’t find AP U.S. History to be that difficult for me, but I am genuinely interested in the material. I found AP Calculus BC to be more difficult at the start of the year, but I got used to it. Some classes just need a little extra effort.”
All of the AP classes are preparing the students for college with the difficult classes, but it is unreasonable to claim that some classes are more difficult than others when the difficulty varies.
There are many challenging courses at Carlmont, which are already labeled as advanced or regular classes and can’t be ranked in overall difficulty.