Using an illegal drug to win first place in the science fair is now considered legal? This is exactly what fourth grader Emma Bartelt did at Miami-Dade County Public Schools Elementary Science Fair held at Miami Dade College on Jan. 26, 2013.
Her project’s goal was to determine which drug-sniffing dog could find the narcotics in the least amount of time. With the help of her police-detective father Douglas Bartlet, Bartlet was able to follow through with her studies.
The experiment consisted of Roger, a springer spaniel; Levi, a golden retriever; and Franky, a retired chocolate Labrador all these dogs were pre-trained drug sniffing dogs. She then set up 28 grams of cocaine hidden in a metal box and moved the metal box from room A to room B, she would stop the timer when the canine was able to retrieve the box.
The conclusion of the experiment found that the oldest dog, although retired, was capable of finding the drugs in less than 43 seconds.
The family reassured the general public that there was no contact between Emma Bartelt and the actual substance. All the experiments were held in police protected facilities.
“At least she wasn’t dumb using the narcotics like other people are,” said sophomore Frieda Freeman when asked for her reaction on the incident.
The reason she went through all the trouble was to learn what her father’s job was really like. In the end, it all payed off when she received an honorable mention and first place at the science fair.