How to thrive after COVID-19 arrives is an informative blog with ideas intended to improve the lives of those who are stuck at home.
Living next to a trail system and a series of apartment buildings, I’ve noticed that both the trail system and sidewalks have become a bottleneck during the late afternoon, receiving large amounts of traffic.
Although many only stroll on the wide trails which allow for social distancing protocols to be maintained, other (smaller) areas of the trail system also see a similar increase in traffic. It simply isn’t possible to successfully pass another person on these trails while maintaining the social distancing guidelines.
The streets also boast a similar level of crowding. Twitter user @theurbangeog devised a contraption to demonstrate the difficulties of navigating around an urban environment while maintaining a fixed distance around others.
In an effort to relieve the issue, Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf recently launched the Oakland Slow Streets initiative, which has closed 74 miles of residential street to vehicles to permit recreational activities that do not disrupt social distancing guidelines.
In my neighborhood, I’ve noticed that the most congested time for all public areas occur between 5 and 7 p.m. after everyone is finished with learning and work for the day. In order to avoid contact with others, consider going outside during other less congested times of the day.