Carlmont is one of the homes of Key Club, the oldest and largest international student-led service organization in the world. The club provides its members with an abundance of service opportunities, character development skills, and leadership experience.
Thanks to the work of the dedicated officers and club members, Key Club has been actively running at Carlmont for over a decade and has achieved 2,395 hours of service at 67 events within the 2017 year.
The first international Key Club was chartered at Sacramento High School in 1925 by two Kiwanis club members, Albert C. Olney and Frank C. Vincent. The two decided to begin this junior service club and it has been student-run ever since.
On an international level, Key Club has over 5,300 clubs in 38 different countries and over 270,000 active members combined.
As for the Carlmont Key Club in particular, the club began with 16 members in 2007 and has grown to over 150 members in the 2016-2017 school year.
Carlmont Key Club’s Vice President Emily Nguyen said, “Key Club does not discriminate anyone that wants to help their community due to grades, GPA, and so forth. Anyone can join our family!”

Key Club members gather at their regular Thursday lunch meeting in room D12 to learn about volunteer opportunities from President Jonathan Deridal, Vice President Isabella Mattioli, and Editor Onik Russinov.
Key Club is currently holding a variety of open service opportunities, such as their monthly Second Harvest Food Bank event where they help pack up foods for families in need.
The club also holds regular school clean ups on the fourth Thursday of every month in order to give back to the school.
Additionally, they are currently holding their infamous annual Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF where club members individually raise funds for the fight against maternal/neonatal tetanus disease.
Carlmont Key Club Adviser Rosie Jimenez said, “It gives me joy to see Carlmont students come together to raise money for a life-saving cause and it gives me even greater joy knowing that Key Club is having such a positive impact on the lives of others.”
Through their events, Key Club embodies and spreads their core values of leadership skills, character building, compassion for others, and overall inclusiveness of everyone in the community.
“Key Club is wonderful in the sense that along with providing service hours, the events we hold also develop our members’ characters and strengthen their connection with their community and school, as well as their relationships with each another,” said Jimenez.
Key Club also focuses heavily on the social aspect of high school clubs by creating events where Key Club members internationally can be brought together in order to provide new friendship opportunities and cooperation skills.
“The way Key Club approaches service is quite unique. I’ve always wanted to be part of something bigger than just high school and Key Club presented me with that option,” said Key Club President Jonathan Deridal.
To get involved in the Carlmont Key Club, attend one of their lunch meetings held every Thursday in room D12.
To learn more about the club and the overall program, visit the Carlmont Key Club website or the Key Club International website.