“Work, work, work, work, work…” The song just keeps going — same lyrics, same beat. Work for what?
What needs actual work is that song.
Rihanna’s new single, “Work,” featuring Drake, has become a recent hit and is spreading like wildfire on social media. After hearing it once, I kept asking myself the same question over and over again: what is so special about it?
There have been many “work” songs like Rihanna’s, such as “Work” by Iggy Azalea, “Work From Home” by Fifth Harmony (recently released) or “Work B****” by Britney Spears. Yet none of them addressed what real work actually is. They just addressed what stereotypical teenagers view work as: twerking and intercourse.
Of course, the beats can be catchy and everyone loves to dance to these type of songs; but that doesn’t make them worth listening to.
Specifically in Rihanna’s “Work,” not only were the lyrics petty, but her voice and Drake’s sound were so monotone that it ruined whatever catchy beat the song had.
The real question I have is: why was this song, out of all of the songs in Rihanna’s recent album release, the one that got all the attention?
“Work” was part of Rihanna’s eighth studio album, “ANTI,” released on Jan. 29.
There were other songs on this album that were better and were actually meaningful, such as “Close To You” and “Same Ol’ Mistakes.”
Since her last album, “Unapologetic,” which was released back in November 2012, Rihanna took a break from her music. Since then, her style and approach seems to have changed.
She still classifies “ANTI” as pop, just as she did with her older albums. However, the tone she gave this new album was different; it was more of an R&B/Soul genre.
However, pop is what sells nowadays and songs like “Work” are the ones played on the radio constantly. Rihanna chose a path to be part of this generic culture, and that may work for her, but it doesn’t mean that is the best decision.
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