The banging of drums. The fanfare of trumpets, clarinets, and saxophones. The guitar and vocals of the rock band, Caravanserai. All sights attendees of the Save The Music Festival saw and heard throughout the day.
On Oct. 1, the annual Save the Music Festival gathered an ensemble of local bands and student musicians to perform in Twin Pines Park.
“A big part of the Festival is that many performers are from the nearby elementary schools, middle schools, and Carlmont High School,” said Alan Sarver, the chair of the Festival Committee. “The teachers have all been showing great support of the program with their students, and a number of large groups and bands look forward to this event every year.”
The Save the Music Festival has been going on for the past 15 years, after being started by SchoolForce in 2002. According to Sarver, an estimated 5,000 people attended this year’s 2017 Save the Music Festival. In addition, Sarver estimates that the event raised at least $50,000 in donations for school music programs.
“This year’s festival is very special because it’s the 15th anniversary of the festival itself, the 50th anniversary for our theme of the ‘Summer of Love,’ and the 20th anniversary for one of our main headliners, Caravanserai,” said Sarver.
Besides the music, many attendees were also attracted by the variety of activities and foods. Within the various sections of the Festival, local businesses and restaurants had prepared small booths that allowed for them to talk to members of the community. Activity tables were also set up by volunteers for the purpose of youth entertainment.
“I chose to help out at the Save the Music Festival because I like volunteering at places,” said freshman Greg Mcculloh, who sold refreshments to festival attendees. “I most especially enjoyed talking to people and drawing attention to our booth for business.”
Carlmont’s own Symphonic Band, Choir, and Drumline were asked to participate in the festival’s scheduled program. The Symphonic Band and Choir performed on top of the Oracle Community Stage, while Drumline played in front of the Summer of Love Stage and then led a percussion clinic for children.
“I chose to perform because I thought it was a great opportunity to spread love for music and inspire younger generations,” said David Chong, a senior who played in the Symphonic Band. “I really support our school’s music program because it has really allowed me to enjoy music, learn new things, and meet new people.”