WASC, or the Western Association of Schools and Colleges, is a certification process in which Carlmont is evaluated to insure that colleges approved of the level of education students are learning.
The main goal for the WASC community is to strengthen schools in the quality of their education to be accredited by WASC for colleges to admit the students from Carlmont.
Next spring, WASC association board members will visit Carlmont to review how well the school is running. The last time Carlmont was evaluated by WASC was in 2006.
So the school has accurate information, WASC involves the input from students, parents, admistration, classified staff, teachers, and the local community.
For the past five months, students, administration, and staff have been meeting in smaller groups, working towards gathering input and information about students’ opinion on Carmont.
The most recent activity the teams involved in WASC have worked on is a student survey and parent survey.
The surveys consists of questions such as “Do you feel like you can give your input when big decisions are made at Carlmont?” and ” What is your expectation for your child after graduation?”
With this information, the team will construct a written report that will be submitted to the WASC reviewers in spring of 2012.
The Carlmont team associated with WASC are extremely important because they are the ones gathering the information that will reflect how WASC views our school for an accredidation.