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The student news site of Carlmont High School in Belmont, California.

Scot Scoop News

The student news site of Carlmont High School in Belmont, California.

Scot Scoop News

The student news site of Carlmont High School in Belmont, California.

Scot Scoop News

Linda Lin

Linda Lin, Segment Producer

Linda Lin is a senior at Carlmont High School in her second year of journalism. She enjoys art, motion graphics, and graphic design and aspires to help make Carlmont journalism a more multimedia platform. Outside of journalism, she enjoys playing for Carlmont's water polo team, organizing Art Club events, and creating art.

All content by Linda Lin

To kill or not to kill: looking beyond the connotations of “kill” and “no-kill” shelters

Linda Lin, Segment Producer May 14, 2023

From the connotation alone, the long-standing discourse surrounding traditional, or “kill” shelters vs. “no-kill” shelters seems to point towards a straightforward answer— how could “kill”...

Art Bias welcomes holiday festivity with open doors

Linda Lin, Segment Producer December 16, 2022

As the holiday season approaches, artists and organizers at Art Bias open their doors to the local community with the Holiday Open Studio and welcome in the holiday spirit. Art Bias is the largest community...

Despite the shared ethnic background that supposedly defines culture, a discernible language and culture disparity found between American-born Chinese and Chinese-born immigrants appears to create a rift in the Chinese experience.

American off the Boat

Linda Lin, Segment Producer December 14, 2022

Two acronyms are often used to describe the groups that make up the Chinese population in America: “ABCs,” or American-born Chinese, and “FOBs,” or Fresh off the Boat.  Even though they appear...

Street Fruit: Peeling back the layers to the street vendor phenomenon

Street Fruit: Peeling back the layers to the street vendor phenomenon

Linda Lin, Segment Producer December 5, 2022

Fruit stands have become a common sight here in the Bay Area. Vendors push carts, pitch tents, and raise sun umbrellas, all in preparation to market their fruit to local passersby. Yet many questions...

Israeli military presence in Palestine has continuously suppressed the rights and freedoms of Palestinians. Support Palestinian refugees in Gaza by donating:

Cartoon: Justice for Palestine

Linda Lin, Segment Producer May 29, 2021

The FDA has now approved the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine to be authorized on adolescents aged 12-15. This gives teenagers a new layer of protection for themselves and their peers, and will presumably speed up the process of returning to in-person school.

Cartoon: Vaccines for Teens

Linda Lin, Segment Producer May 24, 2021

Procrastination gets to the best of students. Get studying!

Cartoon: Frantic Before Finals

Linda Lin, Segment Producer May 13, 2021

Due to their intelligence and playful personality, killer whales became animals of interest for entertainment. However, life in captivity has led to terrible consequences; captive killer whales often only live half as long as their wild counterparts, and many develop pathologies such as the dorsal fin collapse.

Cartoon: Killing Killer Whales

Linda Lin, Segment Producer May 6, 2021

College Board has made the decision to prevent test takers from moving back and forth between questions for this year's AP exams. This ultimately makes the exam much more difficult than previous years, as students cannot skip and come back to a question, or double-check their answers.

Cartoon: No Turning Back

Linda Lin, Segment Producer April 29, 2021

As political tensions rise between China and the United States, Chinese Americans find themselves in an uncomfortable position, as they witness their heritage and nationality clash.

Cartoon: Identity Clash

Linda Lin, Segment Producer April 23, 2021

With their numerous differences in look and design, tasers are designed to be distinguishable from guns. A veteran officer making such a 'mistake' exposes the incompetence of America's police force; the trust between those who serve to protect and those who are meant to be protected has been shattered repeatedly.

Cartoon: Anything but a Mistake

Linda Lin, Segment Producer April 15, 2021

As the global market grows more and more interconnected, local farms find themselves losing customers to imported products that need to be shipped in. Buying locally not only supports the community, but also helps avoid the large amount of pollution produced in the shipping process.

Cartoon: Local Love

Linda Lin, Segment Producer April 8, 2021

On March 16, three spas became targets of a mass shooting. 6 days later, another mass shooting occurred in a grocery store. These seemingly harmless areas people go to on a day to day basis have become perilous.

Cartoon: Nowhere Safe

Linda Lin, Segment Producer March 25, 2021

The phrase "No ethical consumption under capitalism" has been thrown around to describe consumer decisions in a capitalist society. Though it holds many truths, many are using the phrase to defend excessive and unnecessary purchases from fast fashion brands.

Cartoon: Ethical Consumption Under Capitalism

Linda Lin, Segment Producer March 18, 2021

The novel COVID-19 virus hit the United States around March 2020, devastating the country. One year later, things have taken a turn for the better.

Cartoon: One Year Later

Linda Lin, Segment Producer March 11, 2021

With the decrease in COVID-19 cases, San Mateo County, alongside some other California counties, has moved into the red tier. The red tier allows the opening of movie theaters and malls indoors at 25% capacity. Carlmont, as well as other schools, are set to reopen with hybrid learning as well.

Cartoon: Stepping into the Red Zone

Linda Lin, Segment Producer March 4, 2021

NASA's Perseverance rover has successfully landed on Mars. Alongside Perseverance, one other rover, Curiosity, is still active on Mars. Perseverance's mission includes searching for signs of ancient life and collecting samples.

Cartoon: Touchdown on Mars

Linda Lin, Segment Producer February 25, 2021

Protesters in Myanmar demand the release of Myanmar's leader, Aung San Suu Kyi, who was deposed by a military coup, as well as an end to the ongoing military rule. Protesters are seen waving flags and holding up a three-finger salute, a symbol of resistance that originates from the Hunger Games franchise. The Myanmar police have attacked protesters with water cannons and rubber bullets.

Cartoon: Taking to the Streets

Linda Lin, Segment Producer February 11, 2021

Users of Reddit page r/WallStreetBets sent the GameStop stock price skyrocketing, leaving Wall Street hedge funds losing millions.

Cartoon: GameStop Stock

Linda Lin, Segment Producer February 4, 2021

When self-diagnosing, a person fulfills both the role of a doctor and a patient to diagnose their own mental illness.

Treat yourself

Linda Lin, Segment Producer January 30, 2021

Just one hit of the search bar and the internet will provide what appears to be all the medical information one would ever need. Try a Google search for someone who didn’t get enough sleep: Fatigue,...

Students often find themselves in a cycle of "taking it by the week" in order to cope with high academic stress. Soon enough, weeks turn into months, and months into years.

Cartoon: Taking it by the Week

Linda Lin, Segment Producer January 28, 2021

High wind speeds caused a stream of power outages in the Bay Area this week. Amidst online learning, many students were left unable to attend their Zoom classes.

Cartoon: PG&E Power Outages

Linda Lin, Segment Producer January 21, 2021

On January 6, a pro-Trump mob stormed the U.S. Capitol building, scaling walls and carrying guns, all while receiving little opposition from the police. Many point out the stark difference in how the Black Lives Matter protests were treated compared to the Capitol storming.

Cartoon: The Two Faces of the System

Linda Lin, Segment Producer January 14, 2021

Students at Carlmont High School take part in advocating against climate change. Recently, a petition created by students to the SUHSD pushes the district to spread environmental awareness.

Students lead fight against climate change

Linda Lin, Segment Producer November 28, 2020

Students demand a climate emergency declaration and resolution in a petition against the Sequoia Union High School District (SUHSD). The SUHSD Climate Emergency Declaration and Resolution was created...

With the new distance learning schedule, counselors now meet with their students through Zoom sessions or by phone.

Counseling’s importance grows with pandemic

Linda Lin, Segment Producer November 5, 2020

Trained to support and serve all students in academic, personal, and social counseling, the Carlmont counseling team is the backbone of student mental health support, especially amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Distance...

Students either schedule a meeting or simply drop in after school to receive additional help from teachers.

Many students miss out on office hours

Linda Lin, Segment Producer October 15, 2020

With Carlmont High School's shift into a new distance learning schedule for the school year, students and teachers are accustoming themselves to a new aspect of the schedule: teacher office hours. The...

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