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Scot Scoop News

The student news site of Carlmont High School in Belmont, California.

Scot Scoop News

The student news site of Carlmont High School in Belmont, California.

Scot Scoop News

Nicole Yeo

Nicole Yeo, Staff Writer

Nicole is a sophomore. She enjoys music and is involved with Carlmont choir as well as the musical theater program. In her spare time, Nicole enjoys reading.

Twitter: @nicoleyeo13


All content by Nicole Yeo
Students receive their paperwork for the Physics C: Mechanics AP test on May 13.

Students share regrets from recent AP tests

Nicole Yeo, Staff Writer May 16, 2019

It's May, and student stress is skyrocketing as finals approach. However, finals aren't the only things on student's minds. Advanced Placement (AP) testing also takes place in May, and with only a few...

Carlmont Athletic Director Pat Smith talks to the members of wrestling team.

Wrestling team recruits for their next season

Nicole Yeo, Staff Writer April 25, 2019

Whether it's painting, singing, running, or swimming, Carlmont students participate in a plethora of extracurriculars. In fact, many students take part in multiple extracurriculars at the same time. Sophomore...

Each Holi color has its own significance: red symbolizes purity, green symbolizes vitality, blue symbolizes calmness, and yellow symbolizes religious belief.

Indian Club plans Holi celebration for next year

Nicole Yeo, Staff Writer March 27, 2019

The air is getting warmer, snow is melting, and flower buds are beginning to blossom. It's time for Holi, which celebrates the start of spring, Indian legends, and many other things. Holi is one of...

The Carlmont Technical Theatre Association's executive team makes announcements during their club meeting on Tuesday.

Carlmont clubs begin the search for new executives

Nicole Yeo, Staff Writer March 7, 2019

It’s March, the beginning of the countdown towards summer. School is coming to a close, club leaders are moving on,  and it's the time for students to step forward and take on new responsibilities. Whether...

Terby Diesh, a senior, practices a song.

Aspiring performing arts majors audition in pursuit of their dreams

Nicole Yeo, Staff Writer February 7, 2019

In elementary school, kids say they want to be astronauts, acrobats, or firefighters. In middle school, kids say they want to be teachers, bakers, or police officers. In high school, many kids have no...

Anxiety amplifies Alexandra Gische's worries and overwhelms her.

Anxiety limits people who need support

Nicole Yeo, Staff Writer January 27, 2019

Tremors wrack your body. Your lungs aren’t cooperating. Everything blurs. You open your mouth but nothing comes out. So many thoughts are running through your head that you can’t focus....

For each presentation, students have to do days, and sometimes even weeks, of research.

Business Club prepares for a new semester

Nicole Yeo, Staff Writer January 18, 2019

Every eye is focused on you. You speak confidently and your voice carries over to the crowd of people inspecting the presentation you’d worked on for months. Loud applause rings into the otherwise silent...

Amelia Espinosa, a senior, practices with the women's choir.

Coastal Honor Choir provides an insightful experience for singers

Nicole Yeo, Staff Writer November 29, 2018

The stage is set, and the audience waits with anticipation as the singers take their places. There's a beat, and the music begins. After weeks of individually practicing and just two days of practicing...

Senior Nick Mattas works on his laptop in the College and Career Center during lunch.

Early action and early decision applications create new opportunities

Nicole Yeo, Staff Writer November 5, 2018

High school seniors are scrambling to finish early action and early decision applications for college. Many early action and early decision college applications were due on Nov. 1. “Sometimes colleges...

Classic Film Club members watch "Isle of Dogs" at their meeting in room A1.

Movie Mates Club ‘premieres’ despite controversy

Nicole Yeo, Staff Writer October 12, 2018

Clubs promote diversity throughout Carlmont and every year, more are created, some based off of new ideas, and others stemming from existing clubs. Movie Mates is a club that was founded this year by President...

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