After much talk of improvement, the lacrosse team finally started improving their record by winning the last two games.
Throughout the season, Carlmont’s lacrosse team always said that they were working hard and improving, and the hard work finally paid off.
With a rough start losing their first two games, the Scots then won a game against Leland, they then lost two more games, but now they are on a two win streak.
This is a giant improvement with having over half the season to go, the Scots have already over tripled the amount of wins from last year.
“I am really proud of the team because we have been working really hard and even though we have a losing record, I think that other teams will start respecting us more and see that we have the potential to win any game that we play,” Zach Diesh said.
The Scots, who recently just defeated Sequoia 11-7, beat Leland again 10-8 the week before and is starting to draw some more fans.
“I used to not like to watch our lacrosse games but now that we are actually starting to win it is becoming more fun. I just hope that we keep winning,” replied Evan Smith.
Even if we still have a losing record, the Carlmont lacrosse program is making progress and creating a new name for itself, with fans, students and other teams.