The class of 2015 bids farewell.
After four years, 720 days, two principals, and more than 30 football games and 10 dances worth of good times and memories at Carlmont , the students of the graduating class of 2015 are ready to embark on new journeys across the country that include college, gap years, and more.
As the oldest students on campus, seniors reflect on everything from school spirit to preparing for the outside world in high school, hoping to leave small tokens of knowledge for the freshmen, sophomores, and juniors that follow in their Scot footsteps.
- “Make time for yourself in high school — especially junior year. Do what makes you happy.” – Rebecca Fradkin, future University of Wisconsin-Madison student
- “Take advantage of everything that is thrown your way — even if you’re scared, part of being young and being in high school is not knowing what to expect. Use it to your advantage. ” – Gianna Schuster, future Sonoma State University student
- “Even if the team is losing, scream as loud as you can, because, I swear, that will make the whole experience so much more fun.” – Kristen Friis, future University of Oregon student
- “Don’t take your high school relationships for granted — they can affect who you become throughout high school, and can hold some of your most valuable memories.” – Sonia Paulo, future Chico State University student
- “Don’t restrict yourself to other [people’s] expectations of who they think you should be. Be crazy. Do wild things. Take your clothes off and dance to Beyoncé in front of hundreds of people without a care in the world.” – Dominic Gialdini, future San Diego State University student
- “Take risks by being your most authentic self while wearing a smile. That way, you can make the best of your time at Carlmont while spending it with your real friends.” – Marco Sevilla, future California Polytechnic SLO University student
- “Enjoy the time you have with your family. You will love and hate your parents more than ever while you’re in high school, but always know that they do all of the annoying things they do because they love you.” – Justine Phipps, future California Polytechnic SLO University student
- “Don’t feel bad about caring what other people think about you, and don’t let it get in the way of what you want to do and who you want to be. Your social life is just as much a part of you as your academic achievements are.” – Lara Ostroff, future California State University Fullerton student
- “Buy as many fruit roll ups from the student store as possible. They will get you through high school.” – Karissa Tom, future University of California Davis student
- “Don’t take advice from anyone. Just do you.” – Anonymous