Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram may have to welcome a new kid on the block: Vine.
Vine is like Instagram and Twitter, rolled up with a splash of YouTube. It is an app that allows the user to record six seconds or less of a looping video feed and then share it with friends via Twitter or Facebook.
Vines can be a single continuous film that repeats or it can be segmented into smaller sections. The app is simple to use, by touching and holding the screen the app can record, then pause, then record again to capture quick segments of whatever the user wants to film. Then all the segments are stitched together to make a looping video. It is similar to making a GIF without all the hassle.
Sophomore Andrew Wach enjoys using Vine and compared it to Instagram. “I think it’s really cool. It is basically an app where you take short video clips and then they get put together and loop around. It is like Instagram where you have followers and you ‘like’ their pictures, but with videos instead.”
Amy Grushka, a sophomore, said, “I think it might be the next big thing, it seems like people are catching on and starting to get accounts.”
Even if Vine has not been caught up in a whole craze yet, it still is appealing to those who use it.
Wach said, “I really like it because it is quick and easy and the videos are really fun to make. You can basically make a Vine of anything and it looks cool.”
Vine is overall simplistic and pretty easy to use and figure out.
“It is really simple and easy to use, you just touch the screen to record and release when you want to pause,” stated Grushka.
Vine was released on Jan. 24, 2013 and is currently free in the iTunes app store for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Vine is not available for other devices such as the Android or Windows phone but it is a possibility for the future.
Vine is new and has yet to have a huge following of “Vine-ers” but it does appear that the new app will soon be the newest form of social media.