This short animated series proves that cartoons are not just for kids, and can have a dark, gripping story that leaves a deep emotional impact.
“Over the Garden Wall” revolves around two brothers, Wirt and Greg, who try to find their way home after becoming lost in a mysterious forest called the Unknown.
Throughout the entire series, the audience is tense with the knowledge that a shadowed creature is following the two brothers, with sinister intentions.
This miniseries contains a gripping story and realistic character development.
At first, Wirt hates Greg for causing misfortunes with his social life and crush, but a life-threatening experience causes him to realize how much his brother means to him.
Greg is full of childhood innocence, but he becomes wiser and realizes the difference between right and wrong during their adventure.
This mystery series has suspense building up throughout the story, but it still has light humor that does not disrupt the story’s flow.
It has the opposite effect because the comedy is attributed to the peculiar nature of the woods, blending perfectly with the more serious storyline.
The lighthearted portions are a means to make Wirt less of a self-centered stick-in-the-mud, and the solemn parts make the carefree Greg more aware with what is happening around him.
At first, each new character introduced seems unimportant, but in the end all of the connections come together. By the last episode, each part of the Unknown the brothers visited has changed for the better.
Even the talking bluebird Beatrice seemed irritating at first, but by the finale, not one of the characters can be hated.
Those characters all play a role in the plot, helping the brothers in their journey home, and in finding themselves.
Every aspect of this animated series is amazing; it is simple enough for children to enjoy but has hidden themes that will keep older audiences hooked as well.
5 / 5 lanterns