Carlmont’s Associated Student Body (ASB) class is involved in many activities meant to improve the Carlmont community including fundraising, school activities, and serving as the core of school spirit.
“ASB gives extra school spirit like at football games and prom. They really benefit Carlmont as a school,” said sophomore Alex Chan.

Sophomore Devon Mantoani said, “It’s nice that Carlmont has a class that puts a lot of effort into having students celebrate school spirit.”
Expressing a somewhat different opinion of ASB, sophomore Matthew Trost said, “I consider ASB to be a money-making organization, with the side responsibilities of creating and maintaining school spirit.”
Trost is right, but so are Chan and Mantoani. ASB is in charge of the majority of the school’s fundraising as well as the organization of all school assemblies, dances, and rallies. It is all of these activities combined that brings up school spirits and gets people enthusiastic about Carlmont and what it can provide.
Referring to their fundraising policies, ASB member Cailan Cumming said, “Everything that you’re paying for, like football games and dance tickets, gets put back into the ASB budget to pay for more school activities like class prizes and dances.”
Cummings continued, “A lot more planning goes into all of the activities than people think. For instance, clubs fair– that took almost the whole first two months of school. Dance commission is planning formal even now just coordinating everything.”
ASB is going to be taking on many projects in the upcoming months. There is the heritage assembly, winter formal, the blood drive, and many more events to get the students involved.
While fundraising and activity planning are parts of ASB, those are not the overall goal of the class.
Cumming said, “ASB strives to get students involved in school activities and boost school spirit so that all Carlmont students can have a great high school experience.”
ASB Human Relations commissioner and junior Mathilde Zanelly said, “From a human relations standpoint, we want to make our school more open and accepting. We want Carlmont to be a place students look forward to attending everyday.”
According to many non-ASB students they are accomplishing their goal.
Freshman Celeste Hsu said, “They make school feel like a place people want to come to every day.”
“ASB is like the leadership of our school,” said sophomore Brian Cheung. “They are the ones who set up everything. Without ASB none of the fun would be possible.”
The true intentions of ASB are to get students engaged and excited about Carlmont and all that it has to offer.
“We do all of the assemblies, dances, and rallies because we want students to be aware of what’s going on in the Carlmont community and be interested as well,” said Zanelly.
In the end, ASB is a major influence on Carlmont spirit and puts a lot of effort into organizing a variety of events that make school an overall more enjoyable place for all students.