The Leadership One class was able to make many students smile this week.
U-Hall, C-Hall, and D-Hall bathroom mirrors were covered with bright blue, yellow, and pink sticky-notes.
Written on the sticky-notes were positive sayings like, “seeing your smile makes me so happy,” and “do what makes you happy.”
Leadership student Isabelle De Wood said, “We want to make Carlmont a more positive and happy place. Our goal is to make students smile even if it is just one.”
Senior Erica Aldanese saw the notes in U-hall and said, “I picked up a note with the saying, ‘don’t worry, be happy.’ This brightened up my day, just to see something positive.”
Similar to this week’s idea, De Wood and other leadership members strung paper hearts on the quad fence. Each student had a heart with their name on it as well as a compliment.
Senior Lexi Jenkins said, “It was exciting to pick my heart off the fence, I liked how leadership made it personalized.
Students seem to really like the positive gestures, and hope for more to come.
Senior Toni Lupilin said, “I hope leadership continues with the cute ideas because they make the school a happier place.”
Leadership promises to continue beautifying the school in creative ways in order to keep students happy with their environment.
“We can’t tell our ideas, but because of the positive feedback students can count on more,” said De Wood.

Erica Aldanese looking at the sticky notes in the U-hall bathroom
Breelyn Sullivan • Mar 4, 2018 at 10:36 am
This is simply amazing! I did this at my school for ladies having a bad day and doubting themselves and their lives, and I did exactly this! This idea inspires many and makes people’s day! People would say that it was an eighth grader, nope, just a new comer sixth grader! <3