Fourteen years later and the hit television show Family Guy is still going strong. First aired in 1998, the animated comedy returned last Sunday for the start of its 11th season.
Even after 14 years, it has been said that the newer episodes are still as humorous and enjoyable as what previous seasons have released.
“The episode was an example of classic Family Guy,” commented sophomore Aaron Karpie. “Full of hilarious flashbacks and craziness. At one point, the Griffin family had to eat another person to survive.”
This hilarious comedy is written by Seth McFarlane and chronicles Peter Griffin and his family; his talking dog, Brian, his wife Lois, his daugter Meg, and his two sons Chris and Stewie. The show is appropriately suited for ages 14 and up. Some of the humor may be insulting to some viewers, as it is definitely not for everybody.
Past Family Guy seasons and newer Family Guy seasons are known to have consistent comedy. They still have their great humor every time.
“Family Guy will go as many seasons as The Simpsons,” said sophomore Brittany Zelnik. “The jokes from Seth McFarlane are too funny.”
Family Guy brings laughter to all viewers, and hopefully it will continue to d0 s0 for many more years.