Many students look forward to winter break to relax and recuperate after a stressful semester. However, numerous teachers on campus assign homework to students over the break.
This is done to allow students to be prepared for the following semester, to get a head-start in the course material, as well as to maintain their skills in a particular subject.
“It’s not fair that teachers assign homework because we just finished an entire semester of work. But if they want to grade all of that extra work, then that’s their decision,” remarked Tatiana Viera.
Homework assigned over break by Carlmont teacher ranges from taking portrait pictures for a photography class to reading and taking notes on multiple chapters for an AP class.
“For my AP Biology class, we have to read about nine chapters in our textbook. I am unhappy that I will have to spend my break and family time doing homework, but I know that it will really help me when the next semester starts. I will be prepared because I will know the material really well” stated Alan Jiang.
Some students assigned homework over break utilize the fact that they have over two weeks to complete it. However, there are some who complete their work a few days before the start of the new semester.
“I do my homework the day before it is due because I’m busy and it’s a break. I don’t want to do school work,” added Joseph Hamdun.
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