The student news site of Carlmont High School in Belmont, California.

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The student news site of Carlmont High School in Belmont, California.

Scot Scoop News

The student news site of Carlmont High School in Belmont, California.

Scot Scoop News

Jumping into a new season of cheer

Carolina Miyazono
Sophomore Annika Ayala stands at the front of the group, demonstrating the routine to the rest of the team.

After their back-to-back wins as the Central Coast Section (CCS) champions in the 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 seasons, the Carlmont cheer teams are starting to prepare for the upcoming season with the hopes of winning again.

According to head coach Kalina Wasman, the team is trying to grow the program, especially on the school spirit side, by continuing to create an inclusive environment.

“Right now, we have a team of 47, and we are going to do a fall tryout for freshmen and sophomores that missed our spring tryout. For our competition team, we’re going to be really competitive, so we’re hoping that the school spirit side opens up to a lot more people to be more involved,” Wasman said.

According to varsity cheerleader Sara Shariff, her favorite competition was the CCS championships because the team was able to hit their routine and win first place. One of the overall team goals this season is to win the National Cheerleaders Association High School Nationals competition, according to Wasman.

My favorite part about being on the team is the friendships I’ve created as well as the coaches. I’m looking forward to our USA summer camp and the varsity football game halftimes as its going to be my first year on varsity cheer.

— Sara Shariff

Within Carlmont cheer, there is a competition team and a sideline team. After the end of the football season, the team usually splits up into the two teams. Carlmont’s competitive cheer teams are chosen by experience, whereas sideline cheer is chosen by age.

During the 2023-24 season, everyone on the sideline team was also a part of the competition team. This year, the competition team will be attending a couple of new events such as a national event in Texas, as well as another national competition in Los Angeles.

“We hope that the competition side is able to become really competitive and come back with a lot of titles and that on our spirit side we just continue to grow and be more inclusive,” Wasman said.

“My favorite part about being on the team is the friendships I’ve created as well as the coaches. I’m looking forward to our USA summer camp and the varsity football game halftimes as it is going to be my first year on varsity cheer,” Shariff said.

Junior Emily Song has been on the Carlmont cheer team for three years, and she is going into her senior season. According to Song, her favorite part of being on the team is the amazing dynamic and the sisterhood that comes with being on cheer.

“I’m looking forward to bonding with everyone again and seeing how much I can improve before my last season ends,” Song said.

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About the Contributor
Carolina Miyazono
Carolina Miyazono, Staff Writer
Carolina Miyazono is a sophomore (Class of 2026) at Carlmont High School. This is her first year as a part of the journalism program. In her free time Carolina enjoys going out to try a new restaurant, and playing golf with her friends. View her portfolio here.

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