If you need a hot soup for a sick day, are going on a night out, or just want a good sit-down dinner, Pho Dong delivers.
Pho Dong is a Vietnamese restaurant in the heart of downtown Redwood City that serves a variety of Vietnamese food, from pho soup to rice dishes.
Even for vegetarians and vegans, Pho Dong has a large selection of items that won’t make them feel constricted to only a couple options.
If one chooses the pho, there is a wide selection of different broths and vegetable or meat choices. The broth itself isn’t especially tasteful by itself as it is made from non-traditional methods, but adding some soy sauce and hoisen sauce to it makes it one of the best broths around.
The pho is especially nice because of how signature it is for a Vietnamese restaurant and the amounts of choices for both non-vegetarians and vegetarians makes the restaurant worth coming to on its own, the vegetables are cooked just right and are in perfect amounts, and the noodles at the bottom will fill one up, and the meat or tofu is always great.
If someone is not in the mood for soup, there is a great selection of other entrees to choose from.
One of these is a rice dish with tofu, vegetables, and pan fried rice noodles. The dish is coated in a delicious, savory sauce. The rice noodles are more like rice pancakes and are crispy and just plain delectable.
Besides the food, going to Pho Dong is an all around good experience.
The seats are comfy with nice upholstery, the atmosphere is calm, the waiters are friendly, the lighting is dark but not too dark, perfect for any eating occasion.
Also, with its prime location, it’s an excellent place to go for a night out. It has lots of parking in the Caltrain parking lot, and there’s a Cinemark theater just a walking distance away.
Overall, Pho Dong is a great place to go for many reasons, and I would highly recommend it.