The student news site of Carlmont High School in Belmont, California.

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The student news site of Carlmont High School in Belmont, California.

Scot Scoop News

The student news site of Carlmont High School in Belmont, California.

Scot Scoop News

Students scramble to boost grades as the semester closes

Benjamin Taylor
Carlmont student Nathaniel Dempsey working on an extra credit opportunity in class right before it is due. “I had forgotten about this extra credit opportunity to write a speech for Memorial Day. It just slipped my mind because I’ve practically finished history,” Dempsey said.

A flurry of effort from Carlmont students arises to raise grades as the semester ends, despite common time management problems earlier in the year.

Towards the end of the semester, many students are working to try and improve their grades. Some are trying to make up work they still need to do, while others focus on maintaining grades they already have. All students are putting in effort to make sure the work they have put in this semester pays off.

“I’ve been focusing on schoolwork, getting my homework done, and studying for my upcoming final in math,” said junior Anthony Camisa.

Similar to many students, Camisa has been working to make up some missing assignments he has acquired.

“When I have missing assignments, it’s mostly because I was lazy, lazy, lazy, as well as sometimes forgetting to do them and a larger workload,” Camisa said. “I’ve been behind, and it’s been hard for me to catch up this year.”

A common reason for a high level of missing assignments is procrastination. Procrastination is a prevalent problem; according to Magoosh, an online test preparation company, 86% of high school students procrastinate on assignments. Thus, occasional procrastination in students is expected. However, for some, it can be a far worse problem.

“I procrastinate a lot. My procrastination is probably worse than 99% of people at school,” said sophomore Nathaniel Dempsey.

Dempsey recognizes the problem and wishes to change. However, changing is a lot easier said than done.

“How are you able to change it if that’s your nature? I’m just going to procrastinate trying to change it,” Dempsey said.

Managing time and eliminating procrastination is a large part of being a high schooler. This time management requirement can make adjusting to the new workload challenging.

“Last year was a walk in the park compared to this year. I used to not know what to do with my time, but now I’m hoping for free time each week,” said freshman Roman Starace.

Starace has continued to improve his time management skills as the year went on. However, the end of the semester and school year serve as some pushback.

“I’m waiting for it to be summer, so I’ve lost a lot of motivation, and I’m not as efficient,” Starace said.

The end of the school year also serves as a reflection point and a time to plan for improvement in the following year.

“For next year, I’m focusing on improving my time management, planning out my days to decide what I need to get done and by what time while still having time to hang out with my friends,” Camisa said.

Despite the end of Advanced Placement (AP) testing season and the proximity to summer, finals and other assignments remain.

“I have a lot going on. I had a test today, even though it’s review week. Tomorrow, I have my final for computer science,” Dempsey said.

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About the Contributor
Benjamin Taylor
Benjamin Taylor, Staff Writer
Benjamin Taylor (Class of 2026) is a staff writer for Scot Scoop. In his free time, he enjoys playing baseball and listening to music. He is looking forward to expanding his skills and growing as a writer  

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