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The student news site of Carlmont High School in Belmont, California.

Scot Scoop News

Book recommendations for fall

Clementine Cunningham
Cozy up this fall with a good book!

When the leaves start to fall, and the weather gets colder, curling up with a good book is the perfect autumn activity.  Grab a warm cup of tea and a cozy blanket, and get ready to dive into some fall book recommendations.

“The Secret History” by Donna Tartt

This list would be incomplete without mentioning the novel that embodies a fall read, “The Secret History” by Donna Tartt. This quintessential “dark academia” novel tells the story of Richard, who has just moved to a liberal arts college in New England to study classics. He soon meets a cultish group of mysterious and over-pretentious students. Richard gets drawn into the group, enthralled by their charm and mystery. Soon, he is dragged into their uncontrollable hedonism. These characters are all teetering on the edge of morality, their obsession with aesthetics and academia morphing into madness and tragedy. This book is brimming with mythological allusion, autumnal imagery, and mystery.

“The Night Circus” by Erin Morgenstern

“The Night Circus” by Erin Morgenstern is perfect for anyone who loves a bit of magic during the spooky season. The novel follows two magicians, Celia and Marco, as they confront love, heartbreak, and each other in a decade-long challenge. They are drawn into a game set in the Circus of Dreams with unclear rules. There is always a new mystery at every corner, a secret lurking in the shadows to uncover. Each character, each detail, is part of a larger puzzle that slowly reveals itself. The circus’ many enchanting attractions, like tents filled with clouds, give it a mystical atmosphere perfect for fall. I connected with each character, and by the time I reached the end of the book, I felt as if I had just opened it.

“To The Lighthouse” by Virginia Woolf

“To The Lighthouse” by Virginia Woolf is a perfect novel for a rainy day. It tells the story of the Ramsay family and their life on the foggy Isle of Skye. It is not the plot that is the highlight of this novel but rather the characters. Every page dives deep into the psyches of each character, allow readers to deeply connect with them. If you love a novel that will make you reflect on every moment, this is the one.  This book is a beautiful depiction of the human experience. While the story is simple, the writing captures the essence of being human. Wolff is a stream-of-consciousness writer. Her prose flows beautifully and immerses you into every passage. “To The Lighthouse” is a book you read slowly, allowing each word to sink in.

“The Book Thief” by Markus Zusak

For all the readers who like a sad ending that will leave them sobbing, “The Book Thief” by Markus Zusak is for you. The story is told from the perspective of Death, who, rather than being morbid or wicked, is, in fact, quite insightful and sympathetic. Death tells the story of Leisel, a girl living in Nazi Germany in 1939. Leisel’s father is hiding a Jewish man in their basement, and soon, Leisel develops a profound connection with the man. Leisel also develops a love for books, especially stealing them. However, with Death’s foreshadowing narrating, you always know tragedy is written around the corner. Zusak balances the apparent agony of Liesel’s surroundings and the heartwarming relationships in her life. If you are someone who loves history, this is the book for you. It offers a very emotional and thought-provoking perspective on the war.

With these book recommendation, I hope you will find the perfect book when fall comes around.

*This is a series by Avery Wong, Clementine Cunningham, and Annabel Chia. Read about summer and winter recommendations here.

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About the Contributor
Clementine Cunningham
Clementine Cunningham, Highlander Managing Editor
Clementine Cunningham (class of 2024) is a student at Carlmont High School, a staff writer for Scot Scoop, and a managing editor for The Highlander. She is passionate about covering a variety of topics that bring awareness to pressing issues in our ever-changing society. In her free time, you can find her dancing at Heartbeat Dance studio, obsessing over books, or testing out a new recipe. To view her portfolio, click here. Twitter: @clecunningham

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