“Deadpool” flipped off the conventional definition of a superhero.
Ryan Reynolds reprised his role as Wade Wilson from “X-Men Origins: Wolverine,” and made his debut as Deadpool on Feb. 12 with a movie that deserves its R-rating.
Between the slow-motion shots and the transitions from origin story to present, the audience couldn’t tear their eyes away, not wanting to miss out on any of the humor. There wasn’t a dull moment, but that might be because of the script’s colorful language.
“Deadpool” took every chance to portray a spoof of a Marvel movie, from the introduction to even the extra 10 seconds or so of footage.
The movie didn’t shy away from poking fun at an unknown budget, Hollywood’s idea of a woman protagonist, or other Marvel superheroes.
While some viewers thought the little screen-time the X-men characters were given was disappointing, it actually strengthened Deadpool’s theme. Deadpool is neither a hero or villain, but rather an in-between. It was wise to show the contrast between the two types of heroes.
Reynolds wasn’t the only actor fans flocked to the theaters for, however. Well known for her character on “Firefly,” Morena Baccerin also drew in viewers. The diverse cast meant that the movie drew quite a diverse audience.
However a captured girlfriend, an exaggerated insecurity about Deadpool’s avocado face, and a brainless last fight scene that felt longer than half the movie were a little too stereotypical for a spoof movie.
These creative decisions were easier to overlook because the “South Park” or “Family Guy” humor was a constant reminder that “Deadpool” is a spoof on the movie industry.
Director Tim Miller embraced the odds and ends of Deadpool’s character and made a movie fit for Deadpool’s personality. The movie wasn’t supposed to evoke any moral epiphanies. It was a feel-good action movie made to make Marvel and DC fans squeal at the numerous inside jokes.
[star rating=”4.5″]