What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. But sometimes one just needs to relive those hazy memories.
Lined with a star-studded cast including Morgan Freeman, Robert De Niro, Michael Douglas, and Kevin Kline, “Last Vegas” is as dull as an unsharpened pencil. With jokes as funny as that, “Last Vegas” is quite a boring disappointment.
It took me no more than 10 minutes to figure out the plot to this movie: a rendition of a group of men visiting Las Vegas for yet another bachelor party.
A cross between “The Hangover” and “The Bucket List,” and I am resentful to even compare the two with “Last Vegas,” this movie attempts to bring a group of friends who come together to burn bridges, rekindle friendships, and most of all celebrate a friend’s ill advised marriage.
The four friends Paddy, Billy, Sam, and Archie go back to Vegas one last time to “Party like it’s 1959.” While they may have had a party filming this, Jon Turtletaub’s audience sure won’t while watching it.
Turtletaub throws cliche joke after cliche joke the entire movie, none of which got a smile out of me.
When I saw the trailers for this movie i thought to myself have to see this. But about five minutes into the movie I could already tell that it wouldn’t even come close to surpassing any hopes I had for the film.
Maybe the concept of another bachelor party has been over used, considering “The Hangover” has come out with three movies in the past few years. Or maybe the whole Las Vegas concept has just been played out too much, but either way this movie was not enjoyable.
If you are looking for a hilarious Las Vegas bachelor party film, please don’t spend the money on “Last Vegas,” just watch “The Hangover” for the 50th time on FX when it comes on for its routine weekly airing.