Are you sick of listening to girls wish for thigh gaps? Boys kicking themselves because their stomachs resemble kegs more closely than a six-packs? Young women feeling insecure because of the size of their breasts? Are you tired of being one of them? I know I am.
The matter of the fact is that not all individuals are meant to fit one specific body type, so people should stop trying to conform to the ideal sizes that society has convinced us are “attractive” throughout our lives. I have a distinct memory of watching Tyra Banks on television one day in in middle school, when she said, “If you continue to compare yourself to other people, you will never be happy. You have to really truly try looking at yourself… I would get depressed because my body could never be [firm and cellulite free] unless I went to unhealthy means to get that, and it’s not worth it.”
Banks’ words completely transformed my body image at a critical point in my life, since at that moment I was dieting to lose the 20 pounds that had earned me the nickname “Walrus” from my father. From that day forward, I never dieted again, I focused on embracing my body type rather than trying to become something I wasn’t. I have news for my father as well as the rest of the world: I am a sexy walrus, and I will not change my body to please you.
The big problem with dieting is that it is so closely associated with changing ones weight. Individuals who are always trying to lose or gain weight are constantly at war with their bodies, rather than working to improve them.
Some believe that nutrition can be thrown aside in the pursuit of bodily change, that fad-diets are an effective and quick way to work towards goals.
Based on my experience, dieting may be one of the worst ways anyone can try to “improve” themself . My eating cycle used to alternate between dieting and I-don’t-give-a-#@&%, as many diets are nearly impossible to stick to for extended periods of time. I mean come on, if a word starts with “die,” we probably shouldn’t live by it. “No one is successful through deprivation dieting; instead your changes need to be longer lasting, they need to become lifestyle changes,” said Sheena Chihak, the Des Moines registered dietitian in an article on
It is time that we stop worrying about the mirror (or the girl with the super model worthy body walking past you in C-Hall) and start thinking more about our health. Being healthy means feeling well physically and emotionally, while having the energy to enjoy every day. When you take proper care of your body, you are guaranteed to feel better and will begin to look better as you replace bad habits with good nutrition. You will be on the road to becoming the best version of yourself, abandoning the vicious cycle that far too many of us are in.
How can one begin a healthy life style? Become educated about nutrition and begin swapping your Doritos and Netflix for beneficial habits. You can start by cooking the following simple recipe, which offers both nutrition as well as a satisfied tummy.
Dijon-walnut Salmon (or tofu) with Garlic-glazed asparagus and wild rice
Cook time: 45 minutes

Dijon Salmon with wild rice and asparagus
Grocery List:
*buy amounts based on the number of people eating |
1. Wild Rice Directions: Bring 3 cups water to a boil, stir in 1 cup uncooked Wild. Reduce heat and simmer, covered 40-45 minutes or just until kernels puff open. Uncover and fluff with a fork and simmer an additional five minutes. Drain off any excess liquid, and add salt to taste. | 2. Fish (or tofu) Directions: Preheat you oven to 400 degrees F, and plop the salmon skin side down (or a two centimeter thick slab of tofu that you have sprinkled with salt on both sides) into a pan that is lined with tinfoil. Spread a layer of Plain greek yogurt that is thick enough to where you can’t see the fish through it, and then spread a thin layer of dijon mustard over that. Break up the walnuts with your hands and sprinkle them over your masterpiece. If you are cooking Salmon, cover it with tinfoil and put in the oven for about 10 minutes or until it is cooked through and becomes light- pink on the inside. If you are baking tofu, put it in the oven uncovered for ten minutes. | 3. Asparagus Directions: Cut off the hard ends of the asparagus and boil it in water for about three minutes. Dump the asparagus out into a strainer. While it vegetates there, melt one tablespoon of butter (the best sauce ever) and throw one or two cloves of crushed garlic into it. after that simmers for a little while, turn off the heat and put the asparagus in this mixture, lightly coating it with the buttery-garlic goodness. |