The student news site of Carlmont High School in Belmont, California.

Scot Scoop News

The student news site of Carlmont High School in Belmont, California.

Scot Scoop News

The student news site of Carlmont High School in Belmont, California.

Scot Scoop News

Scotsland raises end-of-year spirit at Carlmont

Jonas Sijbrant
Students pet a llama in the petting area during Scotsland. “I really enjoyed the entire event, especially the llamas,” Franklin said.

Carlmont hosted its annual Scotsland celebration featuring llamas, games, and business events.

Scotsland is an annual celebration of school spirit that dates back to May of 2018. In these celebrations, students get to unwind, celebrate their school spirit, and see what other students are doing on campus. In this year’s festival, Scotsland consisted of business selling, water games, tie-dye, llamas, and more.

“The purpose of Scotsland is to give students a day to interact with clubs and participate in events before the school year ends,” said Vaid Nallu, a sophomore in the Associated Student Body (ASB).

One central focal point of this year’s celebration was the student-run business stands set up around the quad. Students in David Weyant’s Introduction to Business classes have been working on these projects for the past semester, with Scotsland being one of their opportunities to sell their products. This is the first time business teams have been a part of Scotsland, as Weyant has only recently joined the Carlmont staff.

Business teams in the quad sold products ranging from Carlmont-themed glasses to keychains and desk hooks.

“Scotsland has given us a lot more customers compared to our previous events, so it was nice to see people I didn’t know coming up to the stand and purchasing our products,” said Emilia Lee, a student in one of Weyant’s business classes and a member of the Flickst team, one of the groups collaborating on a business project.

Along with business selling events, llamas were also a major attraction. According to Noah Franklin, a junior at Carlmont, there was a massive line around the corner where students could go into the enclosure and pet the llamas.

Unique events like this bring the community of Carlmont closer together, allowing people to explore things they have never done and meet new people.

I think the school spirit was higher because there was a greater sense of community, and everyone got to explore things they were interested in.

— Noah Franklin

“I think the school spirit was higher because there was a greater sense of community, and everyone got to explore things they were interested in,” Franklin said.

In order for all of this to happen, ASB had to work with numerous services as well as within their own team.

“Members of ASB coordinated bringing a popcorn machine and the llamas onto campus with a third-party service,” Nallu said.

In the future, ASB will continue to bring the Carlmont community together through events like this, promoting individual clubs and overall inclusivity.

“It helped us feel more interconnected, as everyone was able to come together in one place,” Lee said.

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About the Contributor
Jonas Sijbrant
Jonas Sijbrant, Staff Writer
Jonas Sijbrant (Class of 2026) really enjoys playing soccer and spending time with friends and family. He covers news from around the Bay Area as it affects Carlmont. In journalism, he strives to educate others about local news and provide a good read.

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