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The student news site of Carlmont High School in Belmont, California.

Scot Scoop News

The student news site of Carlmont High School in Belmont, California.

Scot Scoop News

The student news site of Carlmont High School in Belmont, California.

Scot Scoop News

Molly Donaldson

Molly Donaldson, Staff Writer

Molly Donaldson is a senior at Carlmont High School. She is a part of the Carlmont improv team, ASB, varsity lacrosse, and is an editor for Carlmont’s print publication, the Highlander. To check out her portfolio, click here.

Twitter: @mcdonaldsons

All content by Molly Donaldson
The Highlanders and Women's Choir stand poised on stage waiting for their next song to begin. “Performing gives students the confidence to believe in themselves," Emily Mannion, a freshman, said.

Choir Winter Concert ‘sings’ in the holiday season

Molly Donaldson, Staff Writer December 16, 2019

Carolers decked the halls of Carlmont during Friday night's annual Winter Concert. Over 100 choir students climbed the poinsettia-lined risers on the stage of the Performing Arts Center to ring in the...

UC Berkeley is one of the nine University of California institutions with application deadlines spanning from Nov. 1 to Nov.30. “Application for UCs and CSUs require fewer things and are arguably easier than other universities, as most other colleges can require a portfolio, a resume, personal essays, interviews, and letters of recommendation,” Maxi Guillermo, a senior said.

Seniors prioritize college applications

Molly Donaldson, Staff Writer November 16, 2019

Many people consider the beginning of November as the start of the holiday season, as Thanksgiving and Christmas are just around the corner. However, ‘tis the season for more than just holidays. It's...

Carlmont's varsity dance team performs a new self-choreographed dance routine.

[Photo] Homecoming assembly raises the bar for the ‘future’

Francesca D’Urzo, Staff Writer October 28, 2019

Carlmont's varsity dance team performs a new self-choreographed dance routine.

“Grindstone in it’s most basic form is a platform where local teenagers can explore and commit to flexible work opportunities from adults who have flexible work opportunities to give,” said Evan Ajuria, the founder.

Student’s app connects local teens and adults

Molly Donaldson, Staff Writer October 4, 2019

"I can't, I have work." This simple yet infamous statement is seemingly uttered by teenagers daily. Most who mention it are forced to decline offers of fun or activity so they can work their shift taking...

The iPhone 7, released in Sept. 2016, was the 12th iPhone to come out. Since then, 9 more models of the iPhone have either been announced or released.

[Photo] Apple’s prominence creates stigmas in smartphone culture

Molly Donaldson, Staff Writer September 12, 2019

The iPhone 7, released in Sept. 2016, was the 12th iPhone to come out. Since then, 9 more models of the iPhone have either been announced or released.

Alice Godwin, a senior, maneuvers her way out of the Senior Lot after school.

Seniors embrace the opportunity to park in the senior lot

Molly Donaldson, Staff Writer August 29, 2019

After years of walking, getting rides from parents, or taking the bus to school, many Carlmont students embrace the opportunity, when provided, to drive themselves to school. These students, ranging...

Educated Guesses Episode Four: "Presidencies are weird. I'm just going to start with that"

Educated Guesses Episode Four: “Presidencies are weird. I’m just going to start with that”

Emma Romanowsky and Molly Donaldson May 7, 2019

Join Emma and Molly this week as they drive around the Bay Area in Emma's Car. Listen to them talk about plane crashes, "Game of Thrones," Ashton Kutcher, and try not to crash into the cars in front...

Educated Guesses Episode Three: “Vaccines don’t cause autism, but they do cause dissension”

Molly Donaldson and Emma Romanowsky May 3, 2019

Listen as we explore the controversy of vaccinations. From the science behind them to the growing anti-vaccine movement, this episode will cover everything you need to know about the concept of vaccines,...

Educated Guesses Episode Two: "Everybody blames it on plastic straws"

Educated Guesses Episode Two: “Everybody blames it on plastic straws”

Molly Donaldson and Emma Romanowsky April 13, 2019

This week, tune in to hear Emma and Molly discuss everything from Climate Change, the Affordable Care Act, to secretly British Celebrities. Educated Guesses is a news-based commentary podcast...

Educated Guesses Episode One : Pilot

Educated Guesses Episode One : Pilot

Emma Romanowsky and Molly Donaldson April 12, 2019

  Welcome to the first ever episode of Educated Guesses! In this episode, Molly and Emma discuss Brexit, the Kardashians, Robert Mueller, and more. If you have anything you would like us...

"The Lego Movie: The Second Part" is an amusing and notable film, featuring a wide range of animation, humor, and character portrayal.

“The Lego Movie: The Second Part” is a humorous and charming film

Molly Donaldson, Staff Writer February 11, 2019

“The Lego Movie: The Second Part” is not necessarily the movie we need, but it is the one we deserve. An impressive sequel to an already impressive prequel, it transports the audience back to the...

"Escape Room" features six contestants attempting to escape a series of rooms designed to kill them.

“Escape Room” is an unexpected drama

Molly Donaldson, Staff Writer January 21, 2019

From the Harry Potter series to the Marvel comic book industry, Hollywood has mastered transforming society's trends into blockbuster icons. And, after becoming widely popularized during the last decade,...

'Ralph Breaks the Internet' featured brilliant animation and well-executed humor that reflected much of today's pop culture.

‘Ralph Breaks the Internet’ uses humor to compensate for lack of substance

Molly Donaldson, Staff Writer December 3, 2018

What do Gal Gadot, Disney princesses, and eBay all have in common? They're all prime examples of how Disney uses pop culture icons to captivate the audience in its latest animated flick, "Ralph Breaks...

Alex Honnold becomes the first person to climb Yosemite National Park's El Capitan without any rope.

‘Free solo’ captivates audiences with astonishing real-world footage

Molly Donaldson, Staff Writer November 5, 2018

Between its stunning cinematography and nerve-wracking storyline, the movie ‘Free Solo’ takes viewers’ breath away. Not only does the documentary feature awe-inspiring camera shots of Yosemite and...

Tom Hardy transforms into a malicious alien who attempts to take over the world in 'Venom.'

‘Venom’ leaves audiences poisoned

Molly Donaldson, Staff Writer October 15, 2018

Venom: The poor man’s Spider-Man. Venom, infamously known as one of Spider-Man’s archenemies, received his own spinoff film in which his original storyline is abandoned and replaced with a Silicon...

Abdel Zaro, a sophomore, designs a part for the robot.

Carlmont Robotics strives to build teamwork

Molly Donaldson, Staff Writer October 7, 2018

Robocop, Wall-E, Optimus Prime, and R2-D2 — all famous robots, yet none is as real as the robots created in the Carlmont Robotics’ workshop. The Carlmont Robotics team, also known as Deep Blue,...

Juniors Isabel Coughlin and Niko Haller play the bass drums at a football game.

[Photo] Carlmont Drumline encourages school spirit

Molly Donaldson, Staff Writer September 21, 2018

Juniors Isabel Coughlin and Niko Haller play the bass drums at a football game.

The Screamin' Scots use megaphones to cheer for the football team and raise spirit.

[Photo] Screamin’ Scots raise student spirit

Molly Donaldson, Staff Writer September 7, 2018

The Screamin' Scots use megaphones to cheer for the football team and raise spirit.

The new classrooms for Charter Learning Center. They are made out of recycled shipping containers and are located above the Tierra Linda Middle School/Charter Learning Center campus.

Charter Learning Center relocates campus

Molly Donaldson, Staff Writer May 7, 2018

After 23 years of sharing a campus with Tierra Linda Middle School (TL), Charter Learning Center (CLC) will have its own campus. Charter is relocating due to the recent addition of Mariposa Upper Elementary...

Vegetables for sale at the San Carlos Farmer's Market. The market features hundreds of products from popcorn to rutabegas.

San Carlos Farmers’ Market supports local businesses

Molly Donaldson, Staff Writer April 24, 2018

Hundreds of families gather at the San Carlos Farmers' Market every Sunday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in order to purchase fresh fruits and vegetables and bond with their community. Previously named "Hot Harvest...

The exhibit shown at the San Mateo County History Museum features antiquities from Noah's Ark.

Noah’s Ark exhibit provides view of local past

Molly Donaldson, Staff Writer April 2, 2018

The San Mateo County History Museum is currently showing a special exhibit featuring antiquities from Noah’s Ark, a popular 1920s San Mateo restaurant founded by Noah Williams.   Williams is considered...

San Carlos City Hall houses the Council Chambers where the City Council meets.

San Carlos City Council candidates prepare for election

Molly Donaldson, Staff Writer March 20, 2018

Three new candidates have announced their campaigns for the upcoming San Carlos City Council elections. The elections will be held in November 2018 and three seats will be open. The candidates, Adam...

Golden retriever Marianna  listens to Rohan Sainani read her a chapter from his favorite book.

Dogs and kids form ‘pawsitive’ bond through Paws for Tales

Molly Donaldson, Staff Writer March 5, 2018

On a rainy day at the Redwood Shores library, Marianna the golden retriever wags her tail happily as a little girl reads “Diary of a Wimpy Kid” to her.   Marianna is part of Paws for Tales, a joint...

This apartment is available for rent in San Carlos. Many recent graduates are unable to afford apartments even as small as this one.

College graduates struggle to find affordable Bay Area housing

Molly Donaldson, Staff Writer February 26, 2018

The San Francisco Bay Area was born during the California Gold Rush when people from all over the world came to seek their fortunes. Nowadays, many are drawn to the Bay Area in the hopes of striking...

Healthy Cities tutor Kelvin Lee helps eighth grader Charlie Baker with his homework at the Tierra Linda Middle School Library

Healthy Cities Tutoring helps kids in need

Molly Donaldson, Staff Writer February 12, 2018

Since 1996, children of San Carlos and Redwood City have been receiving academic support from Healthy Cities Tutoring. Healthy Cities Tutoring (HCT) is a non-profit organization devoted to cultivating...

Children gather at a petting zoo on Jan. 28 to meet and pet animals, such as this alpaca.

San Carlos petting zoo invites families to bond

Molly Donaldson, Staff Writer January 29, 2018

Why did the chickens cross the road? To get to the petting zoo. A petting zoo was featured at the San Carlos Library on Jan. 28 as one of several events put on for The San Carlos Week of the Family. The...

Junior assistant directors and Sequoia freshmen Tess Restaino and Taylor Gayner act out a scene from Disney's "Mulan Jr."

San Carlos kids get down to business in production of ‘Mulan Jr.’

Molly Donaldson, Staff Writer January 15, 2018

Across 28 years and 142 productions, The San Carlos Children’s Theater (SCCT) has inspired over 12,000 children to pursue their dreams of singing, dancing, and acting.  Since 1990, the non-profit organization...

Crowds enjoy the festivities at the San Carlos Night of Holiday Lights.

San Carlos Night of Holiday Lights unites community

Molly Donaldson, Staff Writer December 4, 2017

Laughter and conversation filled the air in downtown San Carlos during the Night of Holiday Lights, a tradition created for residents to celebrate the holidays together. Each December, the City of San...

Participants of Aerial Sports League workshop at Hiller Aviation museum learn how to fly drones in this glow-in-the-dark arena.

Drone enthusiasts fly to new heights

Molly Donaldson, Staff Writer November 19, 2017

Children and adults alike gathered at Hiller Aviation Museum on Nov. 11 to share their love of drones in a workshop that taught participants how to build and maneuver drones. The workshop, led by the...

Guns on display at Imbert and Smithers.

San Carlos community debates new gun store

Molly Donaldson, Staff Writer November 12, 2017

The potential opening of a new gun store in San Carlos has become a point of controversy within the community. Turner’s Outdoorsman, a hunting and fishing chain store, was set to open in November...

Construction alongside San Carlos train station complicates passenger commutes.

Construction inconveniences CalTrain commuters

Molly Donaldson, Staff Writer October 23, 2017

Daily train commuters are facing complications due to new building developments being constructed next to the San Carlos train station. The developments will provide additional real estate opportunities...

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