“Star Wars Rebels” has proven to be an unworthy successor to the preceding animated series and movie trilogies, in regard to the way it is planned, written, and produced.
The story revolves around young orphan Ezra, who is recruited by a group of rebels after he discovers that he is able to use the Force, the power of the Sith and Jedi.
This series’ purpose is to fill the gap between the two trilogies of the Star Wars movies, and to include events leading up to the fourth movie.
Despite the interesting concept of the growing rebellion having Force-users in its ranks, the series is already disappointing. The action scenes seem redundant and repetitive, while the plot and characters are very bland and dull.
Every episode follows a structure in which the main characters are assigned a mission, things go wrong, and Ezra acts like a pestering teenager.
The main character, Ezra, is selfish and arrogant with nothing unique or interesting about his personality and traits. Ironically, his cockiness is what causes the main conflict in each episode, and he does not seem to learn his lesson.
In the previous animated series, a lot of thought was put into the story, characters, and overall production, but there was less effort put into this one.
It is a huge disappointment, because after the end of the previous series, there was hope that they would continue the expansion of the Star Wars world with an even greater cast and story. However, this hope was diminished after the first episode of “Star Wars Rebels” aired, showing a glimpse of the dull series.
There is a lack of plot and character development, and even the fighting scenes have become filler used to extend the length of each episode.
The many flaws present in this series are influenced by the fact that its target audience is young children. The biggest mistake was failing to make the series enjoyable for people of all ages.
2 / 5 stars
AstroNerdBoy • Feb 1, 2015 at 8:18 pm
The series has been OK with a couple of fairly interesting episodes. I think the problem probably is that this series feels more like it was written for kids than Clone Wars did. I wish the writers would do things more adult without losing the kids, much as the original Star Wars did.
David • Feb 1, 2015 at 11:16 am
Star Wars Rebels is a fantastic show and it only gets better every episode.
Barry • Jan 31, 2015 at 7:50 pm
I like Rebels. It is not perfect but Star Wars never has been.
Jennifer decker • Jan 30, 2015 at 10:37 pm
I enjoy the show where the characters are flawed and have to grow. Perfect and non flawed characters are boring and cannot be identified with. Ezra is a teenager that KIDS can see themselves in and be part of the action. He is impulsive and selfish at times but he grows from the lessons he learned and therefore teaching kids to think about those concepts. It’s goofy, scarcastic, serious and heart breaking. I think they did a good job with what they had and I am patient enough to see how this show develops into next season because it is connected to the Star Wars legacy so it will automatically be significant
LAVALE EDWARDS • Jan 30, 2015 at 7:57 pm
It’s a cool show, it’s fun and The interaction of the characters is my favorite part of the show. My favorite character is Hera hands down. I like the other characters, but Hera is the glue.
All the characters have grown in their on way. I think with Ezra the new equations in the group, I think brings out the best in everyone, as the crew bring the best out of Ezra. The villains are fun. It’s a fun show. Like everything, it’s light hearted and then comes the darker moments and that’s when things get really good. Rebels live up to the legacy.
John Angell • Jan 30, 2015 at 12:51 pm
Absurd. Rebels is better than any of the 3 prequels, maybe with the exception of the pre “NOOOOOOO!” Revenge of the Sith. It is most decidedly better than Clone Wars, and is still on it’s first season. Just the Puffer Pig episode featuring Billy Dee Williams as Lando was greatness by itself. Compare the humor and writing in that to ANYTHING in Clone Wars, Phantom Menace & Attack of the Clones.
jeff • Jan 29, 2015 at 10:57 pm
I disagree on some parts-i think they haveca good cast of characters: especially chopper, Sabine and Hera….they are funny and at the same time great characters for a star wars series. I love the show(though I enjoy the clone wars more as a series). My problem with the series is Ezra as a padawan….to me he’s a bad character to have in such a series(of all the characters on the series he’s the one i would pick to get rid of…along with the inquistor). Plus EVERY episode is about him and training as a Jedi!!! It’s sicking after a while….plus i don’t see him as one. Plus what’s with the energy slingshot…stupid!!! The clone wars actually moved around with stories of other characters too(clones, r2, other Jedi’s, battles, etc)….instead of hearing about “Jedi training” all the time!!! Otherwise it’s a good series though Disney doing the series makes no sense!!!!!
Fred • Jan 29, 2015 at 9:01 pm
“Though the previews had potential, this side series for Star Wars was not good enough for the standards of most fans”
Huh? When this show premiered, it received a mostly positive critical reception.
Star Wars Rebels is already off to a better start than Clone Wars in terms of critical reception.
I remember when The Clone Wars series first premiered, I read nothing but hate about it online.
As I mentioned to another commenter, the writers clearly have a plan for where they want the story to go. The HAVE in fact been developing the characters and the story.
“Every episode follows a structure in which the main characters are assigned a mission, things go wrong, and Ezra acts like a pestering teenager. The main character, Ezra, is selfish and arrogant with nothing unique or interesting about his personality and traits. Ironically, his cockiness is what causes the main conflict in each episode, and he does not seem to learn his lesson.”
Not accurate in the least. Have you seen the episodes “Breaking Ranks” or “Path of the Jedi”? Ezra IS in fact learning to be selfless. Did you not remember those episodes?
What about the episodes “Empire Day” and “Gathering Forces”? And we have heard a bit about Sabine’s past in “Out of Darkness”. The characters and storyline ARE being developed.
And the upcoming episode “Vision of Hope”, (it is available now to watch On Demand before it airs on TV) develops the storyline more as well. Slowly but surely.
This is only the first season, and as I also mentioned to someone, there have been recent interviews with the cast and crew that make it clear that there will be more character development in season 2.
For the record, Clone Wars was a cool show, but I personally could never get into it too much, because the timeline did not interest me. The timeline in which Star Wars Rebels takes place is much more interesting to me.
Brian • Jan 29, 2015 at 8:07 pm
I’m sorry… What TV show are YOU watching? SW rebels is an outstanding show. Yes it did start off kind of slow but not quite midway through the first season it picked up the pace and has continued to flourish quite well. Yes there has been the whole “I’m a teenager I’m doing it this way” attitude but that was also found in the clone wars to show as well. Season 2 started out with a bang having yoda contacting the jedi AND padawan both separately through the force, and Lando has made his mark. It may have been designed as a kids show but true adult star wars fans could sit down with their children and watch it and enjoy it.
zocolo fishing • Jan 29, 2015 at 3:11 pm
The issue is not the show. I don’t believe that I suffer from this: But I find others have this problem. They grew up, but want a child’s show to grow with them. Consider SW was always for kids. The original SW movie, Episode 4 was really a super cheesy silly movie. You prolly never considered this, but ‘Princesses’ and bad guys in black. Storm troopers that can’t ever shoot anything. And really really cheesy lines. But it was ok, because it was ‘a long time ago’ literally, and we were ‘likely’ very young. So no matter what is put on the screen in these cartoons. Some commentator, like this guy will complain. Because it is not grown-up enough for them. It is not supposed to be. View it from a child’s prospective!
Nixter • Jan 29, 2015 at 2:28 pm
I disagree diametrically, completely, and totally with this opinion, the series has sparked my imagination, it’s exciting stories, and interesting cast of characters has captured the adventure seeking half of my soul.
Fred • Jan 29, 2015 at 9:01 pm
I agree. I have been enjoying the series.
Dan • Jan 29, 2015 at 12:27 pm
I can’t disagree enough. The show might be finding it’s feet, but the characters seem interesting and engaging. The inquisitor is a compelling bad guy and there is a treasure trove of content that the writers can pull from in the future. Clone Wars didn’t find it’s stride until the 2nd season, and kept getting better as it went. I think it’s too early to throw in the towel on this series.
Don • Jan 29, 2015 at 2:23 pm
Spot on Article. Each episode is more disappointing than the last. I keep watching it hoping that things pick up and it finally finds is feet… It never feels like anything is actually accomplished. I keep hoping that something exciting happens but it never comes to fruition. The episodes are too short and they hardly ever connect to the next episode in any significant way.
Yes you can say the series has just started but by now they should have actually done something. You barley even know the backgrounds of the main characters. They do have a treasure trove of content to pull from, sure… but they haven’t. They introduce characters like the Inquisitor but leave you hanging… what do we know about that character..? About as much as we do about all the others… Not much! Very disappointing series.
Fred • Jan 29, 2015 at 8:35 pm
The writers obviously have a plan for where they want to take the story and its characters. And as a matter of fact, the show’s creators HAVE pulled from their treasure trove of content. Many elements from the show (some small, and some big) have been pulled from the EU content (Like the idea of the Inquisitor)
This is still the first season, they have plenty of time to develop the characters more. From recent interviews with the cast and crew, they will be doing just that in the second season.
Also, in a recent interview one of the cast members hinted that the season one finale will be very interesting.
Fred • Jan 29, 2015 at 9:03 pm
ashley poole • Jan 30, 2015 at 4:08 pm
I like the 4/5 stars!