Finals are coming, finals are coming.
High school students all over the United States are preparing for the first semester finals. For many students, finals are a source of dread, anxiety, and lots of stress.
This is true for many Carlmont students who have started studying for finals.
Sophomore Veronica Pontis thinks finals are the most stressful time of the year. “Finals decide your grade and it’s so stressful especially when you are between two grades.”
Sophomore Mitchell Wright agrees with Pontis, “It can mean the difference between an A and a B.”
Many students agree, and stress over doing well on their finals to make their grades go up or to stay where they are.
Another big stress source is the dreaded dead week. Although dead week is supposed to be a review week to allow students time to study for finals, many find themselves swamped with a lot of extra work.
Sophomore Alyssa Nowell stated, “I have had more homework than I’ve had all year.”
Pontis agrees with Nowell, “Teachers are trying to cram everything that they haven’t taught us yet because it will be on the final and there are a ton of tests because they’re trying to finish everything up.”
Although everything can be really stressful students find good ways to take a step back and study for finals.
Pontis said, “I go through all my notes and make mini reviews and than if the teacher gives me a review I use that too and I just go over everything I don’t understand.”
Another way to tackle finals is memorization.
Wright stated, “I just make flash cards and review all my old work to try to figure out what will be on the final.”
All in all, finals are a huge cause for stress for most students, but after finals, everyone can look forward to Winter Break.