The challenges, the accomplishments, and the determination are what motivate sophomore John Carlos Bran to strive in achieving his goals.
Bran started playing soccer at the age of five, and has been playing it ever since. “I love playing soccer. I’ve played it since I was very young,” said Bran.

“I realized I wanted to become a soccer player when people would tell me that I was talented. Soon after I fell in love with the sport,” said Bran.
Bran grew up with both his parents in Redwood City, and has Guatemalan and German descent.
At the age of six, Bran’s father passed away, creating a struggle in his life.
“My dad’s death was hard, but my family helped me, and soccer did too,” said Bran. “My inspiration is my dad because he wanted me to continue to play soccer.”
Bran, outside of school, plays soccer with his club team Madera Roja Real Madrid, but is currently playing for Carlmont’s JV soccer team.
“I feel that I should make my dad proud by playing soccer. He’s my motivation,” said Bran. “I’m a stronger person because I know I have to make him proud.”
Sophomore and Bran’s teammate Bijan Khalili said, “As far as athletics, John is an outstanding soccer player. He has a strong shot and leads his club and school team really well. If it wasn’t for him letting me play with his team, I would not be as good as I am.”
Not only is Bran a talented athlete, but also an outgoing person. Senior Crystal Cortez said, “John has an amazing personality. He’s constantly making people laugh and smile. He’s always filled with energy and he lights up the room.”
Sophomore Walter Christian said, “He’s a good person and a hard worker.”
Khalili said, “I believe John is a considerate and laid back individual.”
Because becoming a soccer player is not an easy thing, Bran has a back-up plan. “If soccer doesn’t work out for me, I want to become an architect because I’ve always liked drawing,” said Bran.
Junior Savannah Grech said, “John’s a really sweet kid, and he seems like he has a lot of potential.”
Although reaching goals is not an easy thing without hard work and devotion, Bran is still able to have a positive mind and attitude. “All it takes is dedication and hard work to achieve your dream,” said Bran.