As the end of the year approaches, seniors are dealing with the stress of finals and preparing for college.
Carlmont’s annual senior picnic gives these students an opportunity to bond with their fellow classmates before they part for college.
Activities director Jim Kelly said, “We have been doing this event since before I started here, which was 20 years ago. It’s important because it has always acted as a great bonding event and it kicks off seniors’ final week together.”
The trip will be held on June 4 at a water slide park, at a classified specific location. Kelly and other staff members will be leaders in charge of supervising the students at the event.
Carlmont’s ASB and senior class representatives were in charge of planning and organizing the picnic. The organizers of this event reserved seven school buses to transport the entire senior class to the water park.
Edward Vendrow, the senior class president, said, “We started planning for the picnic around February. We first had to reserve the water park and fill out the proper forms as well as get buses to transport the students. Around April, we started publicizing the event and selling tickets.”
The trip will be held during finals week, which is June 4 to June 7. Due to graduation practice, seniors will take their finals during dead week, or review week, which happens a week before finals.
Erica Pang, a 2017 Carlmont graduate, said, “The picnic trip was one of my favorite events of my senior year. It was a super fun way to bond with your friends one last time before leaving for college. And it’s especially nice because you get to relax while everyone else is taking finals.”
The permission slip for the form can be found right outside the ASB room or on the Carlmont website. The slip is due on May 11, along with a $35 payment in the ASB room. Students who wish to sit with their friends on the bus they must turn in their permission slips at the same time.