The student news site of Carlmont High School in Belmont, California.

Scot Scoop News

The student news site of Carlmont High School in Belmont, California.

Scot Scoop News

The student news site of Carlmont High School in Belmont, California.

Scot Scoop News

In Photos: Belmont Library facilitates creativity

The final bell rings, signaling the end of school. Some students drive home, some walk to the Carlmont Shopping Center for a refreshing drink, and some make their way to the Belmont Library.

TheĀ Belmont Library is a convenient place for students to study and hang out after school. However, people of all ages come to the library for its free resources. The library hosts events throughout the week, such as Maker Hangouts and Crafternoons, to provide a relaxing environment for people to use different technologies and make fun crafts. They also run more specified clubs, such as the Hindi Conversation Club.

People choose to come to the Belmont Library for many reasons, as it is one of the community’s hubs for educational resources and creativity.

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About the Contributor
Alexandra Chan
Alexandra Chan, Staff Writer
Alexandra Chan (Class of 2025) is a junior at Carlmont High School, and this is her second year in the journalism program. She has produced videos for ScotCenter and is excited to be a photojournalist for Scot Scoop this semester. Outside of school, you'll find her practicing with her ice skating team, doing yoga, and thrifting.

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