The Scots were excited to see how they’d stack up against the Capuchino Mustangs during Fridays game. Unfortunately for both the Scots and the Mustangs, their game took place during a day of record-breaking heat, and the heat took some, but not all, of the life out of the team.
Sophomore Jacey Phipps said, “The weather is making us play a little flat. It is very energy draining and part of why the game started off slowly.”
In the first inning, the Scots had runners on first and third when senior Gabriella Pons went up to bat. She hit the ball deep into left field, bringing in both of the runners that were on base. The next batter, junior Mariko Kondo, hit a triple and brought in Pons for an RBI (run batted in). The first inning ended with a score of 3-0 Scots.
In the top of the next inning, Phipps was the first to bat and made it on base. She managed to make her way around to third base by stealing two bases and ran in to score when another player hit the ball. this brought the score to 4-0 Scots.
The Scots were able to hit better after they got used to facing the pitcher.
Junior Kirra Loucks said, “Our hitting started off really slow, but as the game progressed we got used to the way the pitcher threw and were able to hit the ball a lot more.”
This was evident in the third inning, where the Scots managed to load the bases with runners and bring them all in.
Phipps hit the ball deep into center field, getting a triple and bringing in two runners. The score was then 7-1 Scots. The next batter, senior Kelsey Ching, hit a double to bring in Phipps. The hitting streak continues until the score reached 11-1 Scots
Pons said, “We played a really good game today. We had really strong pitching by Rebecca Faulkner. Once we started hitting we were really energized and had a lot of fun.”